
Adhd child please help?

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my child is totally unmanageable and im not getting any help she is 12 yrs old has the strength of a grown man has beaten me taken a knife to me kicks screams punches holes in the wall s and all i am being told is there is a waiting list for her to be seen no medication no nothing please can someone help or how do i calm her she is putting herself almost into fits and convulsions screaming violently everyday to everyone and nothing stops her i cry every ive tried her school the doctor everywhere but nobody will help me?




  1. I read in a magazine once about these day camps that specilize in helping the behavior problems for kids with ADHD, you could try serching for one of those. I reccommend too keep looking for a doctor that will see her and get her on some medication

  2. I hate saying this, but for your safety and hers have you thought about hosptialization?  So that they can find out what might be triggering her, and getting her on the correct meds.  That is what helped out my daughter.

  3. Oh dear, you poor thing. You really need to keep pushing doctors, therapists, the school, everywhere, I know it sounds so much but it's the only way you will get through to them. If she doesn't know what she is doing, it must be distressing for her as well. She really needs to be assessed for the best type of medication. I'm not a professional in this field, but I do work with special needs children who have various conditions (but I work with 0-3 year olds) but I hope I can offer some advice. You should go to the hospital and ask to see a specialist possibly a therapist who will be able to talk to your daughter and ask her why she thinks it may be happening. Have you tried various types of music that may calm her down, I know it's a stab in the dark but anything's worth a try. Once you have got in contact with a specialist they should be able to get her on medication and possibly refer her. I'm sorry I couldn't be much more help, but I hope this helps a little. Take care and all the best.

  4. It's hard to know everything to say or do to the people who you think are helping you.  If you are doing this privately through her doctor - tell them you want to see a neurologist to have her examined.  If you are trying to get help from her school or the state and they are dragging their feet try to hire an advocate to help with the communication and correspondence to them.  They will know exactly how to get quick action.  I don't know where you are located but search for them on the Internet or by word of mouth.  Ask other parents in your area if they know of anybody that can help you.  Good Luck - stick with it

  5. Doesn't sound like ADHD to me either.

  6. To me this sounds bipolar, not ADHD.  Do lots of research online about treatments, traditional or alternative.  Sometimes even little things like dietary changes can help behavioral problems, depending on the cause.  My oldest daughter has been taking lunch to school this year, and the lunches I pack her emphasize protein and fiber and almost no simple carbohydrates.  Sometimes a little fruit, or kids' yogurt that's reduced sugar.  In addition, we cook eggs or oatmeal with a little plain whey protein  nearly every morning.  We backed off of this routine for about a month during this school year, and my daughter's grades plummetted.  Now she's back on her routine and doing much better.  She can't focus if we don't make sure she starts out her day with a high-protein breakfast.  I found this suggestion on an ADD website.  The same website suggested trying caffeine (the example they gave was General Foods International flavored coffees.  Caffeine is a stimulant, and so are ADD/ADHD drugs, so caffeine has been known to help ADD kids focus.  It's worth a try, if you think that may be the problem.

  7. You have to establish firm consequences for her. The truth is, she knows she is in control of your house, and you need to do something drastic to fix that.

    As a parent, you have the right to press charges against your daughter. This sounds extremely drastic, but your daughter needs drastic action from you. She knows around who she can get away with her "convulsions" and "tantrums". She knows you are afraid of her. You need to prove her wrong.

    You can't get any help from anyone else because the root of the problem isn't something that can be fixed with medication.

    Life can be hard for HER for the next few years while you straighten this problem out, and gradually get easier for you (she will hate it at first, but be a better person in the long run), or it will just be miserable for you, and it will never get better. She will continue to abuse you: emotionally, physically, and mentally. And the abuse will just continue to escalate.

    Bottom line is this: That little girl is going to get her butt kicked one way or another. Either by you putting your foot down now, or by life beating the snot out of her. And who do you think is going to have her best interest in mind? If you do it now, she will thank you for the rest of her life. If you don't do it now, she will resent you for it for the rest of her life.

  8. despite the genuine symptoms i suggest you tan her backside.

    this is more than just hormones - its a vicious brat.

    while you sort the behaviour also asses and sort the genuine issue which doesn't sound like ADHD or anything i have heard of but then you have not mentioned any symptoms.

    my sisters screaming fits and agression despite being anoying was not caused by anything other than there age.

    - and in my opinion insanity ;-)

    my mates with ADHD and other things diagnosed never acted like this. and with the things i have neither did i.

    must be a girl thing. lol

  9. I feel your pain.  I have a child with adhd and  odd and although he's never used a knife i have been in your shoes only my child was younger.  first off if your house is unsafe for etheir of you then maybe you should consider contacting the hospital and having her admitted other wise this is what i did I told my childs pediatrition that social services were involved with my family and they felt that my son was a danger to himself(which he was) he would have fitts be so impulsive that his behavior nearly did kill him i too would cry .  she sounds more bi-polar and pre teen is the age that the behaviors can manifest and doctors can actually diagnois and treat the disorder. call the school tell them you want to set up an IEP for you child to include her seeing the guidence counclor( its a start) most schools systems do have psychatrist that are contracted so they can see them through school. If finances are an issue contact social services and get an application for medicaid thrugh the katie beckket program(you will need a diagnoises for this) but the card will date back to the date of the application this is for children with disabilities and goes by childs income and assets not the parents. the state will reveiw and decide if she qualifies. Use high protein diets and reduce the refined sugars and carbohydrates.  This is a mentel illness and i just want to say bless you for confronting the issue and not burying your head in the sand the fact that you can ask for help and are willing to do any thing to help your child is commendable you willm get through this  also check out support groups they can really help and they can point you in other directions for help because they have been through the same thing.

  10. Joanne I'm sorry I know exactly how youfeel. My son & I just ended this rollercoaster of emotions due to his adhd. He did have to wait for proper diagnosis and I did follow up with a therapist. But first you need to be sure the person doing the evaluation is also a doctor if not you need to be sure that they are able to prescibe meds immedialte if nesecary. I found out after his eval that there was another waiting period to see the doctor. I futunatly found a medication management program that was able to prescibe him the medicines he needed . He now takes ritalin for adhd and celexa for his behavior outbursts this has been a god sent to my entire family. He is so much happier with himself which is what us moms really want !!!

  11. That is awful you must both be exhausted. Is there a family member or friend who can help you? I wonder if it would be possible and safe to video at least one of these outbursts and show your GP. I would have thought your daughter's school were as keen as you to get her helped  as I can imagine her behaviour is very disruptive.

    You are going to have to be very stubborn and keep pestering your doctor and the local education authority, as a last resort you might try the social services. Try and find a support group of parents in your area they might have some tips. Good luck to you both. Try this

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