
Adhd medications and side effects...custody questions!!!?

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my son was put on adhd medications behind my back by his other parent. had my child been injured and brought to the ER by myself I would not have know his medications. Since I was kept in the dark. Does anyone know if these meds (concerta) could effect my child enough to mess up the Doctor's care by not knowing he was on them

i.e. thining blood or anything like that. thanks!




  1. meet with the doctor & your spouse to understand why the child is on the meds.  take YOU out of the equation and it appears that a doctor made a professional decision  based on the needs of the child.  get some counseling for your anger and start focusing on healing your wounds.  your child needs to see 2 united parents who can mutually respect each other and work together.

  2. take him to your own doctor to make sure. Or you could talk to you ex and let him know the danger that they are putting the child in by not letting you know of his medical condition. What if something happens while he with you. You just need to know these things. And his condition must not be so bad that he doesn't need the meds while hes with you? Whats up with that. i would get a second opinion to make sure he even needs the meds. GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. Wow. You should have been told about the medications. Regardless of who has legal custody, you needed to be told. However, if you have joint legal custody, you should have been involved in this decision.

    Did your son's mother take him to his own pediatrician or to someone else? The three of you, the prescribing doctor, your son's mother, and you, need to meet to discuss your son's need for the medication. Apparently they thought there was a need for it.

    My son actually takes Concerta. He was up to the 36 mg dose, but he didn't gain weight for quite some time. His doctor and I decided to dramatically reduce the Concerta and add Straterra, which is non-steroidal.

    Your son's doctor should monitor his heart every few months. Steroidal ADHD medications can cause problems with blood pressure. My son sees his doctor every 3 months.

    I've included a link below. It gives a broad overview of Concerta including potentially dangerous drug interactions and potential side effects.

    Best of luck.

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