
Adiri Natural Nurser???

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has anyone used this bottle? If so did you like it? Or hate it? Any why?

My best friend and I were looking at this bottle and I thought it was fantastic but she said it seems no different than the playtex vent air.

So what do you guys think??




  1. I really like it! My son didn't really want anything to do with bottles (i've been pumping) and now that we tried this one, he takes it! We give it to him a couple of times a week, and he had no issues with nipple confusion whatsoever. However the one thing we did find was that level 1 was way too slow of a flow, and it would take him really long to eat a couple of ounces, and in the meantime the milk would get cold. Therefore I suggest starting with level 2, or at least purchasing both level 1 and 2, and if 1 doesn't work out move onto level 2. (my son was about 5 weeks when we started him on it -- he is 8 weeks now, and still having good results with the adiri.  

  2. I Love it!  It is very different from the playtex vent air in that it is not shaped like the traditional bottle nipple but more like the natural breast.  The Adiri is probably considered a "wide neck" bottle, where as the playtex is a "normal" size bottle.  Plus my hubby loves the smaller number of pieces to keep track of (the Adiri has 3 parts, the playtex has 4 parts).  But mostly I like the fact that my daughter is latching to the bottle the same way she latches to my breast and that it is BPA free (We looked into Breastflow but they are not BPA Free).

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