
Adivice on taking my daughter to the movies for the first time?

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She is going to be two on Saturday and I can't think of anything really special to mark the day as different, other than pressies of course, so I am really thinking it would be great to say 'Oh yes, I took you to the cinema first time when you were two'. Right now she is watching animals on tv and laughing at them and pointing out 'mummy, look, lots of fishes!' and that so I am thinking she would indeed enjoy that Kung Fu Panda movie. I'm sure she'd find it funny! She watches DVD's at home (like Pingu and Barney) but there is that tiny bit of me that thinks 'what if she's not interested? What if she gets bored?'

Should I take toys or anything? Lots of snacks?.....??? lol




  1. My husband and I took our daughter to her first movie at age two, and it was so successful, we took her several more times that year. We were prepared to get up and leave if she got restless, but the only sign of restlessness was she shifted from my lap to his for a while, then shifted back, but never taking her eyes off the screen.  I would suggest you go with the attitude of being ready to leave if she gets bored and sit in a place where you can do so with minimal disruption to other viewers.  Try to time it well away from nap time, and let her have a snack while she is there.  The only way you'll know if she's ready to go to the movies is try it, but don't get stressed about it if it doesn't work out.

  2. My son is 3 and had been to 2 movies with his nana (Veggie Tales and Horton Hears a Who), since we were feeling a bit left out we decided to take him to Kung Fu Panda. I'm not sure if he was just tired or found this movie boring, but we had to leave halfway through because he was running up the aisle, trying to talk to people in front of us, kicking the chairs, and just acting really crazy (it is a kids movie, so I wasn't trying to get him to act like he should in a restaurant or anything - we gave him lots of leeway). My mom said the movies she had taken him to he was great (other than wanting to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes).

    I do think it's worth a try, it's one of those 'firsts' you will always remember. Just be prepared for her to not sit still the whole time and she may not make it all the way through. I think we are going to wait a few months and try again.

  3. When I take my daughter to the movies, The best thing I do to keep her interested is to point out things. Like laugh at something she might find funny and she will laugh too. Or say " Wow, look at that silly panda bear" and She will want to look and keep her eyes on it. My duaghter loved Kung Fu Panda and the popcorn kept her pretty entertained itself. Just make it a big event for her, let her hold the tickets and pick the seats. Im sure she'll love it!

  4. Do what ever you can to keep her quiet and focused on the movie. :3

  5. Pick a movie showing where there is likely to be fewer definately don't want a toddler at a sold out showing.

    Maybe get her ready for the idea of going to the movies by playing "movie theater" once or twice before you go. Turn off all the lights, make popcorn and play a fun movie. That way she'll know what to expect, know the rules, and you'll get a better idea of how she'll do sitting through a full-length movie.

    My mom always brought small bowls and cups with lids to the movies and then got one large popcorn and worked out well.

  6. Ha ..hiya ... i took my 3 year old to see horton hears a hoo recently .... he lasted 40 mins before the first `Wee` ...and after that .... no interest whatsoever..." is it the end yet ?"... "can i go home now?" ...

    we went to see `wall-e` yesterday ..... same thing.... It night be just mine ... but i would wait a little while... try a zoo !!!

    Good luck

  7. Bring 1 or 2 little toys. But dont bring toys that will make noise trust me you dont want that in the cinema.

    So maybe just bring a little doll or something she really likes.

    On the food part no not alot of snacks just buy her some jelly beans or something small and not to much.

  8. It's hard to keep a child that young still to watch an entire movie. My daughter is 2 1/2 and when I put on her favorite movie at home, she'll watch for a little while, then go play for a few mins, then bring a toy into the living room to watch as she plays. Their interest changes so much. It may be hard to get her to stay still for the full movie. Definetly bring snacks and juice or water. I wouldn't suggest bringing toys, she might want to play and distract others from hearing and watching the movie. Try it, she might really love the experience of it.

  9. you can always buy snacks there, but they are usually expensive so bring things to munch on! ... were I live the kids go to a free movie at ten o' clock on tuesdays an thursday, They are kid movies like happy feet and things like that but since you might not live here...... Try asking your local cinema if they have those kinda of things..... also about the toys... Bring 1 and if she cries over the volume and stuff use it, but otherwise dont destract her from the movie.... hope I helped!! I saw kungfu panda... Great for young kids!!

  10. I took my 2 year old to see Alvin and The Chipmunks.  She did get a little antsy during the middle of the movie (wanting to get out of her seat, etc.)  I definitely advise taking her around nap time that way she can watch some of the movie and then fall asleep for the rest.

    Don't take toys; it will help her to understand that going to the cinema means watching the movie!  Take some snacks and M&Ms to bust out if she gets a little fussy.  Probably a sweater or blankie too if she falls asleep, because it gets quite cool in the theater.

    And obviously take her to a movie that is going to appeal to her G rated.  I know some fool who took his toddler to see Dark Knight.  

    Good luck!

  11. I've seen the movie and it isnt really that boring. Im guessing that since she is so young, she would enjoy it. Bring snacks too, so she is entertained. At the cinema, keep talking to her about the animals there and making funny noises and sounds. Be sure to sit near the front so she dosent get distracted either.

    -Good Luck.

  12. take her,

    hopefully she wont get bored

    i took my little brother when he was about 3 and he loved it

    he wouldnt shut up for days x]

    your right, take snacks and stuff

    i wouldnt take toys cos she might be noisy

    if she gets really bored you can walk out

    i doubt she will though

    good luck, have a fun day (:

  13. In my opinion, taking her to some children amusement park is a better option than cinema

  14. I personally wouldn't take someone just turning 2 to a movie in a theater (my kids started to appreciate the experience at 3 or 4).  It's dark, it's a long time to sit still, and the volume can be frighteningly loud (particularly during the previews).  It's certainly okay at a kid's movie if your child is laughing hard or occasionally asks "what's that mommy" or announces "that's so funny!" But considering how much money the people next to you have paid to bring their kids to actually hear the dialog and follow the plot, it's definitely not okay if your child is talking constantly or running around or has a meltdown mid-movie.  I just had a really frustrating experience where I took three of my kids on a rare treat trip to a theater (for a grand total of over $40 for the four of us -- they've only been to about 4 movies in theaters ever) and someone brought an infant who sat behind us screaming the whole time so that we couldn't even hear the movie.  Definitely don't go if that's likely to happen, and definitely leave if it does!

    If you do go, definitely snacks will help, though I'd skip the toys except possibly a stuffed animal (driving the little toy car around the floor is also going to irritate the people sitting next to you).  Definitely leave if your daughter gets scared or starts making a lot of noise.  Ideally sit near an aisle so you can make a quick exit if need be.  And watch out for those seats! It's pretty hilarious when a very small kid tries to sit in a movie theater seat and the seat folds up on them because they're so light.....

  15. We took a booster seat for the littles kids when they went to the movies since they're not heavy enough for the seat.  Plus they can see better that way.  I doubt she'll get bored if she can sit through a movie at home.  But the darkness and loud volume of the movie might be a problem.  My 2-year old loves movies and can sit through the whole thing, but only at home.  The theatre turned out to be too loud for her sensitive ears.  Maybe next year.  We had a similar problem introducing her to July 4th fireworks; they were too loud, though she loved the visual aspect of it.  Now that I think of it, a pair of ear muffs might muffle the volume a little without being too hard to understand.  

    Anyway, we took ours to the movies for the first time roughly around 2 years old.  We never had a problem with restless little ones wanting to move around or getting bored.  The whole experience of the huge screen kind of glues them in place.  Don't know if anyone else suggested it, but do you have a children's theatre nearby?  That's also great fun, and they often run plays that encourage audience participation.

  16. I say risk it.  So you might lose a little money if you have to leave.

    I would definately find out how long the previews are and skip them. They usually last 15 minutes or so. Take plenty of snacks and try to make her as comfortable as possible. Try not to allow her to move to much. I noticed that when my kids switched seats or went potty they lost interest after that.  Mie are 3 and 4 years old. One just turning 3 and she loves the movies. We took her to see horton hears a who at 2 and she sat through it. Same with kung fu panda, even though she wanted to start fighting in the middle of the movie and she absolutely loved Wall-E.

    Definately do it.

  17. My husband and I take our 4 year old and 2 year old and we have learned that the trick is to take lots of snacks. As long as they have something to munch on they stay interested. My two year old does get a little fidgety about 45min or and hour into the show, but I just let her sit on my lap and bring out a new snack. She'll do great!

  18. I would bring one of her favorite toys. Just get popcorn there and ask for a little bag so you can give her some in a little bag and you can keep filling it up for her.

    In that kind of movie she will not get bored. if it wasn't animated she might! if she likes dvds she'll like the movies. I would bring two toys and have the pop corn and a sippy cup.

    hope i helped!

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