
Adjusting a TaylorMade R7 425?

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What do the dots on the movebale weights mean? Anything? Do these need to be lined up to anything or set in a certain position? Why did they color these dots?




  1. The different colors just signify different weights.  The red ones are 14 grams and the yellow are 2 grams.  That's all, they don't need to be lined up or anything, they just make it so you can see which weights are were w/o taking them out.

  2. The color of the dots denotes what amount of weight they are. The red are the 12gram, and the yellow are the 2 gram.

  3. These guys have it - different weights.

    The way the weghts are set in the sole will encourage various shapes of shot.

    From fade through neutral to high draw.

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