
Adjusting flying program times during an Airshow

by  |  earlier

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I need a formula/procedure to adjust the takeoff time, show time and landing times automatically in case of a change, after the flying program started. Example: 30 flying slots. Show time= max 15Min's per slot.(Vary between 8 and 15Min's) Aircraft must take off 15Min's before slot time. Aircraft land at end of slot time. Any help will be appreciated.




  1. The ICAS may be helpful but the real help comes from the airshow performers themselves. The "air boss" coordinates all schedule changes as far as making adjustments on the fly. All airshow personnel will have a minute by minute schedule of acts both ground and pilot personnel. Each day before the airshow a briefing is held, anyone not in attendance does not fly. Possible adjustments to the schedule due to forecast weather or other known potential problems will be discussed there. As far as after the waiver is in effect and the show has started your best allies are the pilots who can alter their show to try and get you back on track. If you need to cut an act don't cut the main feature, cut out a smaller segment that is less costly. Sometimes a little glitch can be taken care of by changing the order of the performances to accommodate some minor problem that may be solved in short time. The main thing is keep everyone informed so they are staged at their planes and ready to go. If you have war-birds these guys may take sometime on the ground for warm up and taxi. The vintage aircraft often can be temperamental about starting up. If you are at an airport that has GPU's you might want one handy in case someone needs a little more starting power. The "air boss" usually appointed by the entity that is produceing the show, must be someone that has a strong aviation background, understands the problems and is knowlegable about the various aircrafts capabilitys and needs. If that's not you give the job to someone else.

    The tentative schedule should always use filler acts or non-aerobatic shows such as fly by's and such or radio control demonstrations in between your main acts to allow for easy adjustments. Many of the performers these days fly more than one act using different aircraft they also are expert at helping hold the schedule. As one has mentioned allready some aircraft may launch before their slot and return as the previous act finishes.

  2. I attended many airshow in my life and often I seen them lauch a few airplanes / performers at the same time and simply keep a few out of the airspace until it is there time to perform.

    I would suggest you contact ICAS "International Council of Air Shows"  maybe they can give you suggestions or help in this matter.

    link to their website is below.

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