
Adjustment-of-status immigration interview?

by Guest56466  |  earlier

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Me and my husband will be attending an adjustment-of-status immigration interview thursday. I just wanted to know what kind of questions do they ask you?

We've been married for 2 1/2 years now and i am 6 months pregnant with our child.

Do they ask questions about the marriage or do they question you about why you left your home country? i just want to be prepared for it.




  1. Get ready to answer any bullshit questions from the authorities...But answer without any tension and fear. Keep confidence,  you both will be the winners and will increase the national population by 4 more ...Best of luck..

  2. They ask about everything.  They might even schedule a home vist and speak with your neighbors.   The INS officals that did our home "interview" even went through our bedroom to see if we sleep in the same room.  I know it sounds crazy but that's what they do.  It all depends on the adjustment meeting.  Good Luck... Oh don't be overlly prepared they know when you are just answer truthfully and congrats on the baby.

  3. Adjustment of status interviews based on marriage to a U.S. citizen are more of a formality than anything else. The majority of the questions will based on your relationship. How you met, where you met, how long you have been together along with some general information about birthdays, anniversaries and each other families. Questions could also be asked about both of your employments, education etc.... there is nothing to really worry about, they will not ask you anything that a legit couple would not know about each other.

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