
Admit it, who's going to miss President Bush when he stands down ?

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some of his quotes are priceless, he said these words without flinching........

'Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.'




  1. moi

  2. He is, as we refer to in our little clique, "Good Value". I could watch him all day.... Hilarious!

  3. I can't wait for him to crawl away.  At this point, he owes every family an apology for ignoring the warnings about the world trade center, the lies about the weapons of mass destruction, the burning through the surplus and leaving us with a huge deficit, and for the killing of thousands of our armed troups.  At least he and Cheney are much better off than they were eight years ago.

  4. I will miss his priceless quotes (to quote you).

    He called Princess Diana 'Princess David' and opened a door to a cupboard to leave a room.  Priceless.

  5. not me.

  6. will not miss him one bit, time to get someone who will actually stop shoving his foot in his mouth, funny perhaps but who wants  a comedian in the White House

    to the poster who said about calling Princess Diana  David, as far as i know that was Reagan

  7. Who?

  8. no one

  9. The dumbest thing I heard he or ANYONE say is: "It is wonderful to be back in Oregon. Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it." Oops, sorry, Obambi said that.

  10. No.

  11. Osama will

  12. nobody, i beleive.

  13. I'm worried that if McCain/Palin get in, we may live to miss Bush!

  14. You will if they put that moron Obama in the white house.

  15. Lamus Duckus

  16. oh maybe a little.Who will we have to make fun of then.We want be able to do Obama because it would most likely be considered racism

  17. i believe the correct answer will be john stewart ... he will be out of business


  18. only the neocon nutjobs

  19. ah he is a bit of good value, maybe he can do the occasional after dinner speeches, we can still laugh at him but he wont be able to commit mass murder without blame!

  20. I would miss him as much as I would miss our very own dimwit Gordon Brown which is not at all, Your right though Bush was at least amusing in his own sweet way :)

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