
Admitting weakness of Will, is it Brave or Lame ?

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Admitting weakness of Will, is it Brave or Lame ?




  1. I completely agree with the above poster,  FCF.

    Mere admission doesn't change a thing...neither does it make one more or less qualified for those titles.

  2. Admitting it to whom?

    Admitting weakness of any sort to an enemy is blazingly stupid.

    Admitting weakness of Will to your 'team' helps them avoid the mistake of putting you in charge of anything, but it's hardly and act of bravery.  It is an admission that you are not brave.

  3. brave...

  4. It could be either depending on the actions taken after the statement.  Statements by themselves usually mean nothing and further action is often required to denote active descriptions like Brave or Lame.

  5. Both

  6. it takes a double type of courage to openly admit a weakness... first it takes courage to admit it to yourself, then even a higher courage to tell others...

    especially when it comes to Will...

  7. I find it brave, as long as you don't keep "pulling the card" as an excuse.

  8. Who is Will?  Just kidding.  :)

    Brave (I'd call it wise) if you actually take that knowledge and do something to make a change for the better.

    Lame (counterproductive) if you find a weakness in your will and do nothing to strengthen it.

    Your will is the one thing in this world that you can have complete control over if you want it.

  9. What other's do  is brave and what I cannot do is lame.

    What we do and what is recognized is brave.

    Recognition of brave inside the WILL admits  all  the lame ideas.

    We are brave because we have been lame before.

    Admitting is the key to GENEROSITY

  10. It's already been said, but I need to point out that admitting any kind of weakness is really brave and makes one stronger than any person reluctant to admit weaknesses.  

    Weakness of will comes only from reason's yielding to instincts or desires. There is probably no better word than bravery to describe Man's attempt to control the powerful, irrational legacy of the universe within his own being by means of such an inadequate tool: human reason.

    It may be weak, but it's the best we've got.

  11. admitting it is brave.....

    ....but accepting it......

    well..... that's another story.....

  12. It's courageous to "open up" to anyone...

    Because most of the time when a person does that...

    They get their still-beating heart ripped right out of their chest...

    Hee Hee...

  13. Admitting weakness of will is brave. Not doing anything about it (either alone or with help) is what's lame.

    Frogboy, let me relate this tale to answer your question:

    Officer to recruits: "When I give the command, fire at will."

    Suddenly one of the recruits jumps up & runs in the other direction.

    Officer: "Where's he going?"

    Another recruit: "Sir, that's Will."

  14. It is brave for you know your limitation and have the courage to admit it.

  15. Great question!!

    I believe the answer lies in understanding what is will..... will is our own doing irrespective of external help or support...... a weakness of will is essentially the lack of decisiveness...... admitting this weakness implies further lack of will to correct it... one who admits his weakness of will is a person who has obviously given up, who is obviously defeated or compromised by oneself.... therefore it is not only lame but also worthless.

  16. "To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle."


    Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC - 479 BC)

  17. It's neither brave nor lame, but simply honest. Of course, being honest frequently requires courage, which in some cases could make your admission seem brave, but not in all cases. It depends on the significance of the admission.

    It's lame only if you're concerned about what others think of your admission of weakness.

  18. have you never talked to a lawyer or a good sales man?

    let us stick to the direct interpretation and say its lame.

  19. Admitting any kind of weakness is brave.

    In the end, you're not so weak after all.

  20. It is neither brave, nor lame really. If you acknowledge your weaknesses, you allow for your own growth.

  21. Admitting  weakness of will is obviously lame.Weakness shows lack of the courage to face the reality. Weakness shows fear. Unless you learn how to face fear, you will have no courage to overcome it. It is a matter of great determination for will is a crucial quality of the personality.

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

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