
Adobe Flash Player!!?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I discovered that due to not having the right Adobe flash player i couldn't watch videos or play games on the internet. I tried to download it 5 times but i couldnt find it anywhere once it was downloaded and I don't know what else to do. I've tried deleting my old flash player then downloading again. I've tried restarting the computer. I've tried doing a search for it from the start bar search option. I've even tried to change the download destination but i couldnt figure out how to do that.

Can anyone help!? about 1/2 my time i spend on internet is on games and videos.




  1. To install flash player you have to uninstall previous version. Somewhere on your pc hidden away must be an old flash player. How to uninstall it. Not like other software.

    I found this link, because I had the same problem and could not ask yahoo answers because I did not know it excisted.

    Now I have been able to help 16 people who did ask for help here at Yahoo Answers..

  2. You have to uninstall the old outdated one first.go here...

    Also download the browser plug-in java to make browsing easier..

  3. You need to download shcokwave and then Adobe me I mad the same mistake, it doesnt say you need shockwave but believe me you do.  


    Check you are downloading the correct version for your operating system and browser.


    This is the newest version, but you have to uninstall previous versions first. That is not as easy as it sounds.

    You might need these 2 websites to help you

  6. i think i know whats going on.. If you have a pc, the files you downloaded may have gone to this remote folder, by default, for downloads or internet downloads... Its a real pain to find, my suggestion is go to your search and type in the file name or something close to it, or just search download, and look in the folders that pop up. hope that helps

  7. You created a folder in you desktop and named as (Varius) and then you start teach you browser to save you downloads in there, when you clik download in your browser they give you the option of Open or Save, you choose the last and point to c:\desktop\Varius so you can keep your programs in it is original form, and from there you can instaled or copy to anyother device and install and diferents machine, because by default windows run any programs and decompress un a temporary folder,instaled then erase they setup.
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