
Adobe Photoshop adjusting colors?

by  |  earlier

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how to i turn part of the picture to black and white but leave a part of it color? i know you can do this when you actually take the picture, but i didn't! so can you edit it someway? and also does anyone know good websites about adobe photoshop?




  1. Select the part you want to make black and white. Use any of the selection tools for this purpose (Marquee, Lasso etc). Alternatively, if this is easier, select the part that you want to remain colored, then invert the selection (Menu: Select > Inverse)

    Select from the menu: Image > Adjustments > Desaturate. Its shortcut is CTRL + SHIFT + U.

  2. Try this -- Follow this exactly. It will not make any changes that are not easily corrected.

    Duplicate the photo and close the original. Create another layer by Layer > New Adjustment Layer and select Saturation/Hue. In the window or dialog box that opens, slide the Saturation slider all the way to the left. Your photo will be b/w in this layer. Click OK. You now have two layers, the bottom layer which is still color and the adjustment layer which is showing you black and white. The adjustment layer has two icons, one for Sat/Hue and the other to the right, which is solid white. Click once in this white box. Change your colors to the default black and white with black as the foreground color. Select the Brush tool. Paint the area of the photo you want to be in color. Set the Brush tool to size and softness that works best for the photo you have.

    This is a mask. In a mask, black reveals the layer below it. White covers it. If you mess up a little with the black, switch to white and paint over your mess up. This is by far the easiest and best way to do what you wish.

    If you want to make the black and white layer a sepia tone, double click on the Saturation/Hue icon in the layer to reopen those adjustments. Click the box Colorize and move the Hue slider to the color you like best. Click OK when finished

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