
Adobting a girl from china!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i'm only 16, but when i'm around 30, it's been my dream to adopt a girl from china, how much would it cost, excluding the plane ticket.




  1. Make sure you save alot of money and  make sure you're married. I'm 18 and looking to adopt a Vietnamese child when I turn 25. One of the rules is you can't adopt their unless you're married. It's very expensive to adopt. Usually people travel alone because it's so expensive. Trust me start saving as soon as possible.

  2. I would contact a local adoption agency that specializes in international adoptions when you are ready.  The costs could change drastically in 14 years.

    Good luck to you.

  3. Everything goes up these days, who can guess how much it'll cost in another 15 years? It's hard to adopt in China right now, because they keep on add rules, they have 40,000 more boys than girls in China on the new census.

  4. mhmmm idk alot but that is sooo sweet

  5. OMG

  6. A lot of things could change in the next 14 years.  I am sure the cost of everything will.  To be honest, you will probably really need to wait that long to find out the true costs.

  7. Go to:

    for the process & requirements.

    For costs visit:



  8. The fees for adopting a child from China have changed and continue to change on a regular basis.  There are many variables that you have to consider when adopting from China. There are a lot of US Govt. fees as well as Agency Fees - and other fees to consider. I always say that the paper chase process will nickel and dime someone to death.

    We started our first adoption in the fall of 2004 and it was completed in 2005. The fees for paper chasing and agency fees were about $11,000.00. This can be different depending on the state you live in and the decisions you make in processing you paperwork.

    Another variable is the time it is taking for the adoption to take place. At the rate it is going we will have to renew the paperwork and this cost money too.

    We started paper chasing for Baby #2 from China in 2006. The fee increased so far has been about 2200 - between agency increases – home study increased fees – US Government Fees - document renewal etc.

    There are tax breaks and other grants available for people that want to adopt and need assistance with the fees. I am telling you this because the fees can be intimidating so if this is your dream then do not let the fees discourage you.

    If you would like to see the fee breakdown to go this website - click on programs and then China – you will see on the right the fee schedule.

    Good Luck in your adoption journey.

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