
Adolecent voice problems?????

by Guest34130  |  earlier

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ok arrr when i was younger about 2 years ago i noticed that my voice was breaking , it didnt break really bad it was just i couldnt go high pitch anymore without it breaking and going all croaky so i just avoided going high pitch and now its been 2 years and people say my voice is all mono tone and i can only keep it low and it scares me but im afraid that it will go all croaky and break atleast part of me thinks that and im afraid that i might not be able to change my pitch . is there anything i can do to be sure or something that will help thanks heaps (:




  1. man ur getting a man voice now don't freak most guys cant even go high pitch anymore don't worry its all good accept it now u ain't a boy ur a man

    best answer  

  2. im a lucky one my voice is breaking right now and it automatically went deep.(bad thing is ppl cant understand me its so deep *cry*)

  3. this is all quite natural and nothing to worry about it you will grow out of it .

    but if you feel it breaking try drinking tea ... it seems to have a great affect  

  4. dude i had the same problem, and so did a lot of other kids, they just avoid high pitches cause in the thick of puberty most likely your voice will crack. you may think its embarressing but girls think its the cutest thing, least this girl in my science class did lol anyways. dont worry man your voice will even out and soon enough you can yell and scream and cheer your favorite sports team on.

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