
Adolf hitler??

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what was wrong with his left hand that he always kept it down while the other in the air.. i herd some were that he has a sick ness. and is it true that if you had blonde hair blue eyes you were considerd a jew and were killed?

also what is YOUR opinion..

was he a bad guy?




  1. Thats the facist salute and blond hair and blue eyes was the aryan race that Hitler was obsessed with. He believed that this race was superior to all others and aryan blood had been diluted by the Jews. He was also the cause of the biggest war ever and the death of 6 million Jews.

  2. His left arm was injured in an attempted assassination in 1944. Claus Von Stauffenburg placed a bomb under the table he was standing at.

    Hitler considered blue-eyed blond as the ideal Aryan features.

    Yes, he was a bad man.

  3. You have to be proud of the public education system.......

  4. His arm was injured in an expolsion during an assasination attempt on his life. Not true about the blonde hair blue eyes part..very true if you were a Jew. Bad guy??..a monster!

  5. i honestly hope ur either joking around, or are simply just a 3 year old....

    blonde hair + blue eyes is exactly what hitler wanted, known as the aryan race

    his hand was injured

    yes hitler WAS  a bad guy! dats why we all know him! sheesh gurl!

  6. " . . . blonde hair blue eyes you were considered a Jew and were killed . . ."

    " . . . was he a bad guy . . ."

    Your history teacher needs a good kicking.

  7. About his hand, he may have also had Parkinson's Disease causing his hand to twitch, so he would keep it out of sight when in public or in front of a camera. It's the same thing as FDR trying to hide his use of a wheelchair.

  8. You don't think he is a bad guy? He tried to exterminate an entire race because they did not meet is ideas. I manipulated people based on ignorance and fear into following him. He understood that through education people could learn how to think for themselves, and strived to stop this by closing down schools. So yes I will criticize your opinion, because to think that he just did bad things is ridiculous. In a way you are saying that what he did was bad but oh well it's not the end of the world. If what he had done was ok, no one would have tried to kill him. He is just a twisted manipulative monsters who controlled people through fear. On top of it are you even aware of the psychological problems this guy had.

  9. A bomb attack did damage to his hand.

    No, blonde hair and blue eyes were the n**i's preferred "racial traits."  They believed a lot of things about eugenics that weren't true.

    Was he a bad guy?  One of history's worst. And that's an understatement.  He was a sick ****.

    What are they teaching you kids these days, that you don't already know he was pretty much the human embodiment of evil?

  10. alzheimer.... he had alzheimer

    a hug

  11. He was a very bad man.  His ideal "race" was Arian.  This was not just blonde hair and blue eyes, but the pointy nose and facial structure (shape) to define a true Aryan. They could not be any part Jew, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.  He started with the Jews, but don't forget the other 4 mil (est.) who perished.  He didn't like Gypsies, any Germans (anyone actually) who had a disability (for instance ANYONE, German, Austrian, etc.) who had Downs Syndrome or a learning disability was killed.  He was horrible.  He started with the Jews but was not about to end there.  They were the first, everyone else would be eterminated in time.  

    "The Final Solution" was the gas chambers. You see, first he had parents hold their children over their heads and soldiers were to shoot the babies and the parents at the same time.  Small children holding their parents hands waiting in line to be executed. Entire families...This made the soldiers go nuts, as they could not handle the cries and pleas.  So, he invented gas chambers as ONE way of execution.  There were so many ways.  They were cruel to children, to everyone.  Research and you may find the answers you seek.

    He is likely burning in h**l for eternity.  That is fit.

    He held one arm up in a salute, the followers (only Aryans were allowed to salute, btw. If you were not full Aryan, you were not allowed to salute, regardless of your loyalty. You could be German but if you had Puerto Rican blood or anything else, you were not fit) It would be the left arm, "From the heart to the Furer".  Madness.

    Yes, he was injured from a previous attempt on his life.

    My great aunt survived the concentration camps, barely.  The stories were horrific and the loss unbearable.

    No, he was not a nice guy.

  12. Was he a bad guy? Yes, but not the worst in history. Joseph Stalin was responsible for more deaths, the Roman Catholic Church is responsible for more suffering, and Hitler was responsible for some good things like autobahns, VWs, Germany's rise as an industrial power by creating infrastructure.

  13. and no... blonde hair/blue eyes were not conciddeered jews and killed - BHBE's where conciddered the upmost perfection of mankind (UberMenschen/ariers)

    the blonde hair/blue eye theory comes from his cousin Geli (with whom he had an insane obsession with to the extneds that she killed herself)

  14. If his hand was injured that might have been why otherwise he was just like that (Stonewall Jackson held his hand up during battle to...Equalize the blood flow or something). It was actually blond hair-blue eyes was the mark of an Aryan and what Hitler wanted. Hitler was a genius in some aspects but he was also mentally unstable, growing up in such an unstable time, fighting in a war, and his Gloomy Jewish Heritage that caused him to hate non-Aryans. He probably would have been an alright guy had he had a counsler or a psychologist help him cope with his issues when he was growing up. That or had he been accepted into the Vienna Art School, he was quite good his paints just didn't show enough people i guess...

  15. NO having blonde hair and blue eyes were the main characteristics of the perfect race which hitler supported so much. Yes he was a bad guy he tried to exterminate a whole race

  16. left hand ( i don't know) ...i do know that he eventually planned to become an artist...and when his art school rejected him he became sick ( not sure what he had)...just the opposite...if u had blond hair and blue eyes you were not considered a jew and u were safe ( memeber of the aryan rce).... he also persecuted gypsies and anyone who didn't have blond hair and blue eyes. he was born on 4/20 / year?...and commited sucided on 4/30 with his wife...just as the americans and russians were closing in on the city of berlin
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