
Adopt A RABBIT!!!!!?

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my friend has a baby rabbit and she is giving it to me

but my parents won't let me. but i can insist them

but is that easy to take care of them?

like do u recommend me to take the responsible of the rabbit?

i am 17 yrs old and i am lonely since i am the only child. and i want sth to keep me entertain

do they stay in the house?

or do they p**p a lot?

do they get sick easily?

do they need really really special attention ALL The time?

please let me know everythingi need to know about rabbit plsss!!!




  1. Rabbits can def stay in the house.

    They p**p alote but if the rabbit is potty trained it can go in its potty

    If you dont keep its cage and environment clean then yes they can get sick

    Its good to spend time with them but also to give them there space.Getting rabbit magazines will tell you alote about them. Rabbits need unlimited amounts of hay, clean water and change water every other day. Pellits, vegies, fruit. They need a place to run wether its on your porch or inside. They need a check up every year, nails trimed to the quick. Brush when they are having there shedings. twice a year. Rabbits like something to hide in and a shelf to hop up onto. Its better to get a big cage with a plasti bottom then mesh so it dose not hurt there feet. You can get all this stuf and more at petsmart. I recamend the big cage that has a purple bottom for 70 dollar. You can use a viggie ball to put hay in, ( thats what I do, gravity bin feeder to put pellits in. ) The biggest water bottle you can find the better. Rabbits need to run for few hours every day. Make shure the rabbit has plenty of toy to play with too. Tp roll work, baby toys, rabbit toys or bird toys. Untreated wiker baskets too. Have fun bec rabbits are the best pet in the world!

  2. rabbits take a lot of responsibility. You have to be very patient!!!

  3. rabbits are a responsibility but its not very hard to take care of them if you know how. i just got a bunny a couple months ago named lola and i love her. rabbits make great pets because there not very messy if you clean there cage and litter box. they love to play and like attention. they do p**p alot but they use a litter box which makes it easy to clean. rabbits can either stay inside or outside. inside would probly be better because they love to be around people. goodluck! (:

  4. hello im also seventeen ive had my bunny a year now he' names jes and a male lion head he is house trained and they are just like dgs he knows his name and is pratically my best friend when im in the house alone. rabbits are wonderful clean animals. they are low maitence and cheep i wuld reckomen it if it is to be indooors using cat litter Wood based rather thansaw dust as it goes all over saw dust and takes ages to clean. sick no, poo no its suprising how little they do and best of all it doesnt smelll!! anlso if your going out you can shut him in the cage no need to find people to watch it as u wu a cat or dog because hedoesnt have to be let out for wee's etc!!!

    please contact me for any more infor

  5. They are not easy to take care of.  They need a variety of fresh veggies every day in addition to hay and pellets, need 4 hours daily out of cage exercise, and are high maintenance, in general.  Most will need to be brushed daily or your house will be filled with fur.  They need to have yearly checkups at the vet, and should be spayed and neutered when kept as pets, they will have less health and behavioral problems if it is done.  They take more time, money, and effort than a cat or dog.  

    They should live indoors, they are litter box trainable and they will live twice as long inside as outside.  At 17, if you are a responsible individual with at least a part-time job, you could probably provide for a rabbit.  Since I don't know you, I can't make a judgment call there.  They do need a cage or pen to stay in when you can't supervise or they will eat your possessions.  They do p**p a lot.  They also can get sick easily, especially if not fed exactly the right diet.  They are social, and either need lots of your time and attention or a friend and still time and attention from you.

    Rabbits, when properly cared for, live 10-20 years.  What will you do when you leave for college?  Rabbits aren't allowed in 98% of dorms, and pet friendly rentals are expensive and hard to find.  Please think very carefully about whether you want to bring a rabbit into your life right now, they are a very long-term commitment and they aren't disposable.

    If you are still thinking about getting one, look here: for all the information you will need to know about caring for a pet rabbit.

  6. There's a lot of information about rabbits on the link. Have fun with your Furry Friend!

  7. i tink thats nice.

  8. They are very good pets, they p**p a resonible amount & are very easy to litter box train. They are idependent animals but love to get attention, I would recommend on holding as many times you can a day so when its older it will be used to it. They do get sick easily, except maybe slight allergies, which is normal. Make sure when you hold it, you have his/her legs so it doesnt feel like you are going to drop him. Let him run around or sniff out his new home ( in a safe area) so he feels not so scared. It is true, that they love carrots and lettuce, but you do not need to feed it to him everyday, just maybe as a treat. ( can help when litter box training)

    Good Luck. :)

    Hope I helped alittle bit.
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