
Adopted and searching for heritage.?

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I was adopted at birth in 1969, born in Humbolt Co. Ca. I don't want to find anybody that doesn't want to be found, but it would be nice to someday ( I'm sure other adoptees feel the same way) look into somebodys eyes and see a part of myself. Or to at least have some heritage, medical history would be a plus but not a priority. Maybe I have a birth relative that wonders the same. My question is: what is the most effective way (for a person of modest budget) to research my "true" bloodline descretely as to not upset my family? RC




  1. You shoudn't need much money, just alot of leg work. First keep a journal of everything, all contacts and phone numbers with addresses.  First step is to go to the hospital where you were born and ask for your original birth certificate. If your adopted parents names are on it, then you ask for an adoption agency that would have been in your town at the time where you were born. Talk to people, maybe a nurse that was still working at the hospital at the time of your birth.  put an add in the local paper in the town you were born simply stating that you were born on whatever date you were adopted and would like to have any info if your birth relative wants to be found.  I personally would rent a P.O. box for your mail for the add.  Keep your guard up, and never loose faith.  Somewhere someone knows you and why they choose to let you have a different life. Good Luck and God Speed.

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