
Adoptee question, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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I was adopted a long time ago from St Petersburg Russia

and im currently trying to locate my biological parents.

i have much information, (name of mother, orphanage adress, basics) but the only problem is... im all the way over here in the US and they are all the way in Russia!!!! i have their names, but im not quite sure how to go about locating them!!

any advice??

by the way, i do not think my adoption agency is in business anymore. so thats doesnt really help.

i do have my records, and they just have very basic info.

has anyone located their biological parents from another country??

or is anyone trying to locate their biological parents in russia??

any advice would be GREAT!!





  1. I would recommend locating someone from that area who can and may be willing to help. I have done that before for at least 4 Americans and two Canadians who adopted from Romania. Since I am living here I am able to locate information easier and make phone calls cheaper. I was able to do things that was hard from abroad such as locating phone number, addresses that for a local is quite an easy task, I have even gone as far as visiting villages and sending back photos for people who have adopted children from them. I would suggest starting at virtual tourist and see if you cannot find a local who is willing to help. Good luck.

  2. I don't know the answer to your question but I'm sorry for the rude answer got got from the previous poster. It was insulting and I will report it.

  3. hi-

    my cousin is a russian professor.  he lived there for a year and adopted a child from there.  can you email me, and i will call him.  give me whatever info you have (esp. the agency name, even if it's no long there).  he still has lots of contacts in russia.

  4. I was adopted when i was 4 months old from an orphanage in Thailand by an Australian couple and have been here ever since.I am 32 years old now and i have just found my birth mother in Thailand.I am still trying to locate my birth father as he left my mother when she was 2 months pregnant with me.I was lucky as i had a Thai friend helping me.I wish you every bit of success finding your biological parents...Their are going to be many times where you want to give up, and you get very frustrated and emotional but hang in there and think positive.Slowly your jigsaw will come together for you...Even when you do find your biological family it's a roller coaster of emotions there after also...:)

  5. I was trying to locate my birthparents in Romania.   I sent a letter to the government of Romania , the Romanian Office for Adoptions giving them my birth name and such.  a few weeks later,  they sent me my birthmothers address.

    good luck finding your birthmother!

    Желаю всего хорошего.

  6. Hi there, I'm also an adult adoptee and have found my biological parents and met both of them (although it was not an international adoption). I recommend getting involved with the adoption community... try and find a search angel (someone who will help do groudnwork and has more resources to search for bio family and is free)... also you could try contacting JOE SOLL who is very involved in the adoption community, is an adoptee, and has been searching for his family for years... Joe is very dedicated to helping and supporting adoptees so do not hesitate to e-mail or call him. His personal info page is at ....try looking on Also, Joe runs a chat group for adoptees and natural (biological) parents. You can find out more info about the chat at If you have any questions or need support in this search, feel free to e-mail me. It is a very hard process, but in my opinion, completely worth it whether or not a relationship arises from meeting.

  7. I can't help you with this question, and The only reason I am responding is to tell you not to let idiots like the poster above me discourage you.

    There are some great people on this site with alot of combined experienced. Hopefully someone can point you in the right direction.

    Best of luck!

    EDIT: I was not talking about Cam, the answer I was talking about is no longer there. (He was reported)

  8. I think this is a wonderful thing your doing.

    May I suggest you also call your local university and find a student that is fluent in Russian. Compose a general letter with all the information you have....include copes of any original documentation from the agency. Ask the student to translate the letter into Russian. Send translated letters in both Russian and English to the American Embassy in Moscow and the Russian Embassy in NYC.

    Next you need to send letters to every government service centers near or around where the agency was located in Russia. Third contact your local state representative and senator. They work for you and should be willing to help you

    with at the very least the addresses of government services in Russia.

    Do not stop until you get a bite. Resend the letters every six months if you have too. I also encourage you to also seek the assistance of the relative of Anastasia.

    Please remember that your parents are probably searching for you too.....don't give up!

  9. I'm so sorry I can't be of more help, but I wish you the best of luck. Do not let any negative comments deter you from your RIGHT to know who your parents are.

    Do you speak Russian? If not, I would start to learn the language.

    This is a long shot, but you might want to post your question on the Fodor's travel- Europe forum. There are several people on that board who currently or in the past have lived in Russia.

  10. Hello yes I have, I have located an entire family and I am in Australia and they are in the UK

    I went through an adoption agency here in Australia, that mostly handle people searching for their birth families. Because Australia have less than 500 adoptions a year in total , so now its more about search and reunion here

    Anyway it can be done I do  not know who you can go to in the USA but I have heard people talk of Kinsolving with great results But its expensive

    I wish you the best of luck x

    ETA WOW A thumbs down ? wtf for

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