My daughter is 3 and has celebrated 2 birthdays with us; my new son will have his first birthday with us early next year. Perhaps because they are so young, they love their birthdays. My daughter wanted to pick the decorations and the cake and of course write out her birthday wish list. And our son's foster mom said they have thrown 2 mini birthday parties for him and he seemed to have a blast.
Obviously these are wonderful memories, but it's never far from my mind, that their birthdays might not always be fun and fabulous days: not for my children or their first parents.
Did you always (or never) enjoy your birthday?
Do you remember when your feelings changed about your birthday?
Was there anything your parents could have done to make the day better (talk about your fparents; not make the day a big deal; make the day a very big deal, etc.)
If you were in an open adoption were you invited to your child's birthday?
If you can't see your child, do you do anything special on that day?
How do your children feel about their birthdays?
Do you do anything to incorporate their first family into the celebration (if that's possible)?