
Adoptees: Did you spend any time in foster care?

by Guest66221  |  earlier

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I was placed in foster care as an infant directly from the hospital.

I spent three months there even though I was designated for adoption. Anyone else?




  1. My son was in foster care for a little over a month after he had been designated and allocated to us, while some paperwork and such went through.

  2. wow that crazy

  3. I wasnt adopted right away, but my birth mother requested that I not be put in foster care.  I stayed at the agency until I got adopted at a month and a half

  4. I spent three to four weeks in foster care.  It was standard practice at the agency that I was adopted from

  5. I know that in the state of Michigan, there is a waiting period where newborns who have been placed for adoption have to spend a short time in foster care, but it is now recommended that the adoptive family, also, get aproved for foster care so that they can have this time with the baby as well.  They just have to keep in mind that the adoption will not be final until that period is up for the birthmom.

  6. Yes, I was in a foster home for a month.

  7. Yup, the same as you.  Three months in foster care even though I was designated for adoption.

    I want to get in touch with the foster carer who had me in her home.  I'm sure she'd be pleased to hear from me but again, the State says I have no right to that information

    Makes you wonder just how dangerous they think adoptees are - we're not allowed the same freedom of association as the rest of the population - now that's discrimination!

    Thanks for asking

  8. I was placed in a foster home for approximately 2-3 weeks before being placed with my family, who had already been designated as my parents before the birth.

    This used to be a common practice, but I don't think it's done as frequently anymore if all the paperwork and everything is completed, usually the baby is given to the parents immediately after hospital discharge.

  9. I was taken from my birth mother, by my grandmother, and she adopted me. So nope, no time in foster care. Thank goodness.

  10. I was 'adopted at birth' right after I spent 3 months in foster care.

    Lovely, huh?

  11. I was placed in foster care in 1984 when i was 4. I am now 28 and have not seen my mother for 24 years. I did spen 3 years in foster care. I was adopted with my bio younger sister in 1987 when i was 7 and she was 4. I think the system sucks and it fails to help the children in the right manner. Dyfs is just looking for a fast placement even more so for the children who are older.

  12. I was told i was in foster care but I dont think it was very long so I dotnt even remember foster parents just my adoptive parents

  13. I spent about 1 year in foster care. I went there straight from the hospital. After the 1st year, I went to go live with my adopted family, but wasn't adopted until 2 years of age (even though my birthmom signed papers to relinguish me when I was 9 months.....)

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