
Adoptees What do you Write on the Doctors Medical History Forms?

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Adoptees What do you Write on the Doctors Medical History Forms?




  1. My daughter wrote on one, "Your guess is as good as mine."  On another she wrote, "That's what I'm here to find out."  On one she wrote, "Birth parents too stoned to tell me."  She makes up a new one for each form.  It's more fun and gets the point across without a lot of explanation about the Unknown, Unknown, Unknown thing.

  2. Just whatever my family history is. (my adoptive parents) I have only just found out about my bio medical history, so when I come across that question, then I will put what I know down.

  3. I put that I am adopted-

  4. i put a line through the form and then just write 'unknown' in the margin. i have found my bioparents recently, so i have some, but still i have much that i dont know.

  5. I leave everything blank.

    When I am asked about my family medical background, I tell them, "It is against the law for me to know anything about my family's medical history."

  6. I put the history that I knew frm me in my genes. not my adopted families info. : )

    I have been in reunion for 6mnths since Aug.

    so... there is still lots to know..

  7. 'Stolen by gypsies - history unknown'.


  8. I just put "unknown"... and if they want to know why, I tell them "adopted".

  9. Before, I wrote something like "unknown - adopted."

    During my short contact with bdad, he told me some medical history.  The rest of my bfamily claims that his information is completely false and have given me other information.  So now I say "I've heard there is X in my family, but I cannot confirm that information."

  10. I had no idea what all the implications of being adopted caused. Just when I thought I had learned everything, I read this. I simply can't imagine what this must be like.

    I think they need to take all mothers aside who are thinking of relinquishment and spell all this out. We do what we think is the best thing for our child, because we're told that we aren't enough, they destined for a life of poverty.... blah, blah, blah. If they would tell them these things, I think it might have an impact. I am crying as I write this, thinking about what my daughter has to go through. I'm sorry, so sorry.

  11. For years i wrote that i was adopted. it was funny i at 25 was told by a doctor (colonel) from hawaii that when i would be around 50 or so i would be diabetic and you know what hes right. i also know what my medical is now and he'd be surprized to know i am. how about that.

  12. just put any info you might know or put unknown because of adoption

  13. I just write "adopted" above the whole thing...

    Every doctor visit, my doctor begins to ask me a question about my history (not having looked at the form), and then catches himself as he remembers.  Then he sighs, shakes his head a little, and mutters, "I wish we knew about your history."  


  14. I quit going to the dr, but the last time I did was when I had my daughter and they asked me if any complications came from my mothers pregnancy with me and I had him write in big marker


    and then, I asked him to petition the courts with me on his request to get my information and he declined, imagine that.

    Of course, i'm already IN reunion, and KNOW my mother, but still, the POINT was, to get my information. MY information.

  15. "Unknown" and also "adopted" so they won't ask me why it's unknown.  In all caps, across the top, sometimes augmented with a slash through all the checkboxes and tables so they know it applies to everything.

    Angry?  Me?  Naaaah.  (-:

  16. Strike it all through and put Not Known.

  17. Well, it's a medical history, so the doctor would like an accurate description.  Giving one's adoptive family's history makes no sense whatsoever, considering the doctor is looking for illness that run in the family genetically.  I know I didn't inherit any genes from my adoptive family.

    I used to write "adopted, unknown" but now I have a very good knowledge of my history, as I have a full reunion with my natural family -- extended family and all.  It's nice to be able to write a real history.

  18. Unknown.

  19. i simply write "unknown - adopted" and the doctor shrugs his or her shoulders and says ok like it's no big deal.  Recently, one told me not to worry about it because there are diagnostic tests, etc.  just lead a healthy life and come what may.  He went so far as to say "knowing what your history is doesn't prevent what may or may not happen".

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