
Adoptees: When/if you chose to make contact with your natural family, would you want help from...?

by Guest63376  |  earlier

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your adoptive parents? If so, what kind of help/support. If not, why?

I was hoping that I could help and suport my son with everything and anything regarding his adoption, including contact with his natural family. But, a recent question by an adoptee made me think about it when she stated that she wanted with her natural family- ALONE.

What can an adoptive parent do to help their children when "that time" comes around?




  1. Communication is the only way you'll ever know.  Talk it over with your child before he/she gets to that stage.  Offer your support, and tell him/her that you respect their need for privacy, so it's up to them to let you know what they want.

  2. Hi Kristy,

    Maybe you missed it.  Kazi just asked this question recently.  Here's the link:;...

    I've got an answer on there too.  Hope that helps.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  3. That depends largely on the adoptive parents.  I've been watching on here for a long time, and there are *some* adoptive parents I might just want some help from.  I understand, though, that this is a really, really personal process, and it's the adoptee's process alone.  Still...depending on the adoptive parents, I might want their help.  SOME people, though, are crappy adoptive parents who don't really give a rat's patootie where their kids came from as long as they got the baby they want.  I wouldn't really want help finding my roots if my adoptive parents were like that.

  4. These kids grow up very ungrateful ... You'll spend all  your money & invest time into them for NOTHING.... They'll just go looking for the parent that didnt want them in the 1st place and forget all about you.... I say give em back to their biological parents now... They're going to go running back to them anyway

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