
Adoptees and special treatment?

by Guest61279  |  earlier

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I have read alot in here about adoptees who feel they were not part of their adoptive family. Anybody here ever feel the opposite...were you put on a pedestal or given special treatment because you were adopted?




  1. Yes, actually I was treated "special".  I was adopted because my mom wanted a perfect little girl.   I was expected to be the perfect princess daughter.  Dressed in fancy dresses, ribbons and bows, ballet classes, pink everything, the whole shebang.  

    My older brothers hated me for what they saw as preferential treatment and tortured the h**l out of me when mom and dad weren't around...shoved me in a sleeping bag and locked me in the closet, pushed my face down into dog sh-t, tipped me over backwards in chairs so I knocked my head on the floor.

    Those are just a few of the things I endured,  I also got the privilege of being their little slave and called b-tch and other names when I didn't comply with their every whim.

    So I got the "special treatment" of being pressured to be the perfect, darling little lady, which I hated with every fiber of my being, and the "special treatment" of being loathed and  tortured because of it.

    Ain't being adopted grand?

  2. I have always felt very much apart of my family and so I should. I AM my parents child. Maybey not by bloodline, but in my heart and in their hearts too. I dont consider anything that my parents worked hard for as special treatment. If I am honest, then maybey myself and my sister were given a bit more love! but theres nothing wrong with that is there?

  3. I was not adopted and never felt I belong in my family

    There are a lot of people like me

    Yes, I have know someone that was adopted, and was treated like she was a queen

    She got a long better with her family than I did my

    She fit in her family better than I did mine

    Feeling like an outsider in a family, comes in all family

  4. Interesting question. I can't say I was put on a pedestal. I was just treated like anyone else in the family by all aunts, uncles, cousins. I was my one Uncle's and my Grandma's favorite but that was just because I was a girl and all the other kids were older. As far a being raised my rules were stricter, and that boiled down to being a girl and not a boy. My dad used to say you don't need to do that you're a girl. So treated special no, treated as a member of the family yes.

  5. This is the first time I've seen this one asked. Interesting Question.

    Honestly, yes.  I hate to admit but I think that my siblings and I were kind of spoiled because we were adopted.  

    My mom talked a lot about how long she waited to have adopted us  and how she never took having kids for granted.  While other moms complained about their kids my mom never did.  I'm not saying this is good or bad it is just how it was for her. As a result of her perspective I think she spoiled us.  Sometimes she went a wee bit overboard in telling us we were "special."  But she truly believed it.

  6. I am adopted and have 2 adopted children- and I felt like I belonged to my family- they loved me because I was there child.And we love our children for the same reason

  7. It's the same thing.  Being made to feel different is being made to feel different.

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