
Adoptees in reunion - did your parents go on to marry after your relinquishment?

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Mine married just 6 months after my relinquishment - year 1969.

I personally know of 5 other adoptees that don't visit here that have parents that went on to marry.

Any other similar stories out there??

When were you born??

If you are a relinquishing mother/father - did you go on to marry your child's father/mother after relinquishment??




  1. "If you are a relinquishing mother/father - did you go on to marry your child's father/mother after relinquishment??"

    I did, thank you for asking!  My husband and I dated for only a few months when I got pregnant.  Our son was born in April, we were engaged to be married that June, and then married the following year also in June.  We didn't have more kids for six years, but now besides our son that we relinquished who will be 12 this year, we have three daughters (5yrs, 2yrs, and due in June)

    Anyway, we've been married eleven years this June.

  2. No, mine didn't get married. But my birthmother did get married to another man about a year after I was placed for adoption, and yes they are still married.

    She also went on to have kids after me, but waited NINE years before my first sibling came along. In fact, between my daughter & my youngest sister...there's only 2 years

  3. What a great question!  We placed our daughter when she was born 7 1/2 years ago.  At the time I read anything I could get my hands on about adoption/facts/statistics.  I read that birithparents who place together have a higher rate of staying together than those who don't place at all/parent or choose abortion.  I also read that statistics for birthparents staying together/married are significantly higher than married couples period.  And yes, we are still together and getting married this summer.  I think our good experience with our birthdaughters adoption has made our relationship stronger, too.  I'm sure when she's older she'll appreciate that, or at least I hope.  I want to do everything I can in life to make her proud that we brought her into this world!  Inspiration to do great things, for her.

  4. I was born in 1986 and adopted at birth, through an open adoption. My birth parents did not go on to marry after I was adopted. They didn't even keep in contact. To my knowledge, my biological mother has been married twice and had one other child (that she kept) since. I don't know anything about my father.

  5. No, I believe the w***e married another man 3 years later.  She never wanted me at all. In fact she wanted me dead and asked the Dr. to kill me when I was born. Thank God she never had anymore kids.  And thank God I am a hundred times better than she could ever be!  All she was, was a 22 year old w***e that should have known better!

    She will burn in h**l for what she did!

  6. "If you are a relinquishing mother/father - did you go on to marry your child's father/mother after relinquishment??"

    No thank heavens.  He has turned into someone that I really don't want to know.  I have found out some things about him since we broke up which was about 6 months after her birth that make me glad that I don't have to deal with him or his family and that my daughter is not being brought up in that environment.

    I know of a few who did go on and marry the first dad but many more that did not.

  7. my mother had problems with relationships. she still isnt married and hasnt ever been. I was born in 1992 and my mom was 16. i was the result of a one night stand and my mom has mental problems and drug problems. but my boyfriends birthmother never got married either. we are both adopted.

  8. My boyfriend and I started dating in 1971, I was a senior, he was in college, I got pregnant and we gave her up, due to his parents and we were told it would be best. I was from the poor side of town, so they thought I'd just go away. She was born in Jan 1972, we became stronger and more in love and more determined to be together, so we married in July 1973, so this July it will be 35 years. In 2001 I looked, i didn't tell anyone I was looking except my sister who found the search angel, when I found her, i told my husband and he said, don't expect my parents to be happy and they weren't but oh well.

    Our daughter was kind of amazed to find both of her parents together, and of course she had a bio brother. She wanted to know why we kept him and not her. We were married 5 years when he came along. He was raised as an only child and had no idea about his sister, I was prepared to take our secret to my death, but one day in 2001, something happened and i knew that if i found her I was prepared to face the consequences. When she said that she saw no reason to Exclude us from her life, we were thrilled. My inlaws finally came around and we all have a relationship with her.

  9. No, they didn't. They spoke once, from the time I was surrendered until the time I found them.

    Hi Poss!

  10. I was the result of an extended rendezvous, but by all means, not what you would consider a relationship.  I began my search of my birth family with the help and support of my adopted parents when I was 16.  I was able to locate my birth mother almost immediately, but waited 3 years before I actually sent the first letter.  Since then, I have developed a wonderful relationship with my birth mother.  She was able to give me the name of my birth father and the city he was in when I was born, but that was it.

    That was 13 years ago, I have periodically performed searches with for a possible phone number for anyone with the same name and was unsuccessful until just last week.

    But, to answer the question, no my parents did not marry each other, but my birth mother did marry twice, but did not have any children after me!

    I was born March 16, 1976, (relinquished at 2 yrs old),My birth mother had another daughter before me born May 1971 ( she was taken by the state at birth)

  11. No, thank god. They're both with different people now, but are still good friends. I ended up hanging out with just them and me last summer. That was cool, but I'm glad they're not married. That would have pissed me off. Great, you gave me up because you didn't think your relationship would last, then you got married anyway, thanks!

    Maybe thats just me though. I read an article about an adoptee who found her parents who had got married and she was glad to know she'd been conceived out of "love not lust". Yeah, whatever makes you feel good. I'm the product of teenage hormones, so what?

  12. no

  13. UMM...This is a hard one...Well,you know most of my "wifes" story & most of the "birth fathers" story. **My answer is a little off key for your question but "I" married her(bmother)in 1996,she had a baby on 5/2/91 that ended up adopted,the bfather was "missing" since a little before the birth.I spent Oct.-Dec.'07 finally tracking him down,was in NM.We were 50-50,thinking he maybe deceased...nope...alive and kicking.Spoke to him for a month off & on,explained about :adoption...bfather used to be a good friend of mine...make a long story short..he's "right" now on a air-matress snorring away at my feet & his ex-girl my wife is crashed out snorring away ten feet from me....We shall see how this "madness" pans out!

  14. Not in my case.  My first father found out he had gotten my first mother pregnant and was so happy that he wasn't sterile, he went right out and married his other girlfriend.

  15. My parents didnt marry each other but ndad married his next pg girlfriend before he told his mother to avoid having another child banished. My next sibling is only ten months younger than me.

  16. Mine were actually married.  They married and 10-1/2 months later I showed up.  But, when I was a year old some rather bad circumstances occurred that led them to the decision to relinquish me.  They did not stay married.

  17. My bparents got married while my bmom was still pregnant with me! They got married 4 months before I was born. They actually went to get an abortion but couldn't afford it. Thank god! I was still given up. Which is fine with me. I have a wonderful family that I love to death and am soooo glad things turned out the way they did!! Anyway, they were married for 5 years then split up. They didn't have any more children. My bfather ended up getting murdered (gunshot to the heart) and my bmom is living off of  government checks because she is to lazy and doped up to work.

  18. Both my mother and father married, within a year of my birth.. but not each other.

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