
Adopting a 3 or 4 yr old?

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Well we are talking about starting the steps for adoption of an older child. However, my husband runs his own company and as of right now we do not have health insurance. I can get a policy out of pocket I am sure. Will that be a problem adopting out of foster care? We are not wealthy people, but we make it work. I have one child that is five. We are 25 and 27 and have been married for right at two years. I feel like I am being selfish, but I think that little person needs a mom and dad and a loving home.




  1. When we adopted our son he was n the State insurance.  The judge wrote an order that he is to stay on the State insurance.  We still had to fill out paperwork and in the end we were denied.  I was told that since he was in guardianship at the time of adoption and technically not foster care that they did not have to keep him on insurance even with the Judge's order because we made get this $400.00 too much a month.  It is tough on middle income.  I was staying-at-home and my husband is a contractor to get insurance through his work would of cost us $900.00 a month.  I ended up buying a policy on my son only, it runs roughly $75.00 a month.

  2. Because a 3 or 4 year old is harder to place, many come with "incentives", like permanent medicaid.  Check with your DHS office, or in your state, the office that handles foster care.  It takes a while to take the courses, have the background checks, etc, so it's best to get started now.  Good luck, and some child will love you for this!

  3. Every child had the right to have a loving family, so you are definately not being selfish.

    It depends on your state, but I am fairly certain you will need to prove that you are able to care for a child in all aspects, including health care. For our adoptions from Korea, we had to provide proof of insurance and proof that coverage for the child would begin at placement. Since you are adopting from Foster Care, the child may already be on the state health insurance.

    Contacting your state's office of adoptions and/or local DCFS will enable you to get more specifics.

    Good luck!

  4. i dnt think that u r being selfish. i think that it is good that more people r adopting. good luck 2 u both.

  5. In our state, foster children are set up with medicade and it can be kept after the adoption is final up until they reach the age of 19.

  6. What a great opportunity you can provide for a child. It is not an easy process and some times the results can be heart breaking. I was adopted at birth and am also a birthmom. I can give you an idea of what it is like on each side of the process. I am actually going to school to be an Adoption Specialist- it is my passion to work with this. I want to encourage you to get your facts and learn the process. One great website that has a link in to the steps and information on grants for financial assistance in the adoption process is:

    Educate yourself, get to know the emotions behind the steps you are taking. This is a very serious process, but be encouraged- others have been through it and are always there to talk. You are not being selfish. My husband and I just had our first child two months ago and have always considered adoption because we didn't even think we could have kids. But, either way- it is something that has always been in my heart. I am 25, he is 30- it is never too late or too early to start the process. Also, if you go to church, talk to your pastor. They can be a great guide in this journey as well. Best wishes. Don't hesitate to ask me questions.

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