
Adopting a child (I`m not married) is it possible? (I`m a guy) (I`m not british)?

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(I`m planning to start studyin in the Uni this year, and on the 3rd or 4th year am gonna adopt the child "if its possible")

please tell me its possible :S !

??? :S

thanx in advance




  1. There is an adoption subsidy available if you adopt from foster care.  I think you can do that as a single male in several states.  But be warned, the subsidy DOES NOT cover everything these kiddos need!  They have been through a lot.

    I am for any one adopting from foster care, but the free hand-outs are kinda a myth.  Plus, you don't know when adoption laws will change and there will be no more subsidy.

  2. OK, I'll tell you it's possible, since that's what you want to hear.

    Children are noisy, smelly frustrating and expensive. This has to be something you're absolutely certain you want to do for the rest of your life - they don't disappear when they're 18 or when you decide you've had enough, whichever comes sooner.

    Adopted children come with "baggage". You're talking about taking this on whilst taking your finals.

    You're planning to do this with no experience, no income ... yet you talk about getting a nanny? And about the government paying? The child deserves to be raised by a loving parent, not someone who views them as a means to getting more benefits. Children are the single biggest drain on your resources you will ever encounter, they are not a source of extra unearned income.

    Assuming you are in the UK but not a UK national; you will probably only be considered for a child of your own ethnic mix. Go to your local council website and start researching (and plaiting fog) from there.

  3. A single male? LOL Good luck with that.

    It is very very difficult for a single male to adopt, especially one who doesn't have much money or too young.

    They will see you as a pedophile or g*y.

  4. I would say defiantly no. Its hard enough now for middleclass white couples with loads of money to adopt in Britain. And how would you look after it if still at Uni.

    Daft question.

  5. IN the USA and England it is...

  6. Don't be silly. Get on with your studies, finish that, get a job, then think of adoption again.

  7. As an unmarried university student I think you would have a very difficult time.  Why do you want to adopt a child at this point in your life, anyway? It seems silly to me.  If you are still in school how could you possibly be ready?

  8. In the UK it is perfectly legal to do that, but there will be loads and loads of checks, so don't be offended  by that.

  9. You have more chance of plaiting fog

  10. Uhm depends on alot of things.

    Much more information is needed.

    For starters,

    Where are you planning on adopting a child?

    What age will the child you plan to adopt be (roughly)?

    If I were you I'd look on these websites,

    Perhaps itll give you a few ideas/facts you didn't know before.  

    Good luck, hope this helped!

  11. It sounds like you want to adopt a child you already know (because you say "the child" not "a child" and say him). You must be aware that social services will assess whether you are suitable to adopt, and it is unlikely they will see you as such as a university student. You might say you will be with him as much as possible but you will have very little time, most of your time will be taken up by your education. I can't see you being allowed to adopt if you're studying full time and not financially capable of supporting a child. You can get some help from the government but not enough for both you and a child to live off.

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