
Adopting a child from portugal...?

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Any info is much apprieciated...




  1. Adopting from Portugal is fairly restricted to only those whose ancestry is Portuguese.  I actually know folks here in the US who were successful but only because their parents had emigrated here.

  2. I would think that there are enough children in England who need a good home without adopting from abroad.

  3. why portugal? are you british?

  4. Here is what the US State Department says about adoption from Portugal:

    "Intercountry adoptions are permitted between Portugal and the United States.  However, according to Portuguese adoption law only children who have no possibility of being adopted by applicants in Portugal are available for intercountry adoption. As a result, the youngest children available for intercountry adoption often have medical issues or are older, i.e., from 10 to 14 years of age."

    It sounds as if you are in the UK, but the situation would probably be similar.

  5. why would you want to adopted a child from portugal there is child here in the uk that need loving parents to

  6. I lived in Portugal and I can't see the Portuguese giving up a child to someone of another nationality, very strange. It isn't some kind of third world country where the likes of Madge and Angie go shopping for kids.

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