
Adopting but!?

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i'm 13 years old and i'm syrian citizen my aunt is american citizen

-can she adopt me to live with her but (i'm not poor and i have parents her in syria)

can she adopt me and i'm in good status in syria

she want to adopt me just to live with her not because i'm poor or alone

did the us laws accept adoptin just because my aunt want me with her




  1. Well, you certainly are determined and good for you. However, as I answered earlier to your question in the adoption section, your aunt can't adopt you from Syria under U.S. law, because you're not an orphan and you're not in an orphanage or available for general adoption. Plus, Syria does not have adoption laws that would allow a person in the US to adopt you and bring you here under their own laws.

    So, this isn't going to help you. The State Department keeps information on foreign adoptions for every country on and this is what it says:

    The American Embassy in Damascus has been informed that in Syria religious authorities handle laws concerning personal status matters, such as adoption. Islamic Sharia law does not provide for adoption and the adoption of a Muslim child would not be recognized in Syria. Technically, adoption is allowable under the laws of various Christian denominations; however, it is the Embassy's understanding that for the past 80 years most Christian churches in Syria have preferred not to handle adoptions in order to conform to Sharia law provisions on inheritance. The Embassy has been informed that Sharia law restricts distribution of inheritance to spouses and certain blood relatives and, for that reason, adoption does not exist in Syria.

    By the way, if your aunt really is considering adopting you, she can always contact an immigration lawyer. I don't think you'll get a different answer, but she can always ask.  Assuming you've told her about this anyway.

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