
~~**Adopting children**~~ ??

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What is your opinion about adopting children ??

(ofcourse, you r not going to adopt now but in future will you ??)

Here in India, the population is very high.

Some educated & sensible people r now a days adopting children. Even those people who don't have children or can't

have children adopt.

I thing its a noble deed.

By adopting a orphan child we not only provide him/her a family & shelter but also a new life.

We can shape the future of a child .

So i have plans of adopting children in future.

But if i stay single can i adopt a child ??

Can i adopt more than one child ??

~~**Thanks, for responding**~~ :-)

~~**Spread smiles**~~ :-)




  1. thats the alternative for couples live in in developed now?

  2. I think adoption is great!! You should have no problem adopting as a single parent...there are plently of people who can adopt single. As long as you make substantial income to take care of yourself and a child, you should have no problem in the future. And you should be able to adopt however many you feel you can care for. I think people who adopt are is indeed a very noble deed. Good luck with your plans for adoption in the future! I hope everything turns out well for you!

  3. Well, personally, I always see that it is best to try and have your own children first, which will mean starting a relationship. I know that you are single, and you may be desperate for children right now, but then if you adopt, and you start falling in love with someone, then they may be put off by the fact that you have two adopted children, and that you weren't going to be commited to having a relationship, or having kids of your own, (not that there is anything wrong with adopting children). You really ought to think about this one, and make sure that you are 100% sure that you want to adopt, and may be rejected in relationships before adopting kids. I hop I helped you.

    P.S - Remember that some celebrites have kids well into their fourties, so you have time to start a relationship, and have your own children.






  5. I wolud love to but I know sure my family (parents n in laws) will not agree :( :(

  6. Since you will remain single you have to justify  but you can adopt.

    This nobel idea deserves salute

  7. I recognize that you did not mean to sound less than honorable about this, but it does brings up some attitudes that some people do have about adoption.  

    Adopting a child should never be looked at as a "Noble Deed".  Children are not commodities, nor should they be looked at as objects of pity.  Children are not there to fulfill someone's humanitarian needs.  Or someone's good deed quota.  They are not there so we can feel that we are good people for adopting them.  For rescuing them.  What an awful, heavy, insensitive, almost inhumane burden to put on a child when adults say they have "rescued" or "saved" a child by their gracious act of adoption!

    To adopt is to create or build or add to your family!  Nothing more and nothing less.  This child has NO obligation to their parents whatsoever.  No role to fill in this family other than family member.  No responsibility to be anything other than themselves.

    To want to love, care, protect, teach, and commit to the well being of a child -- that is the reason to be a parent -- through biology or adoption.

  8. I am an adopted child, and i will adopt when i'm older if i can, although i'm already pregnant with my first child.

    there are 4 other adoptions in my family, so it's kind of tradition

  9. that guy is funny but umm if you feel confident on adopting children then go for it. you're giving a child and opportunity on living a normal life.

  10. It is indeed a very good deed. I really appreciate this question like Comment from you.

    All the best.

  11. I am not sure where you live or what nationality you are. If you are Indian living in India, you would need to check out the rules and regulations for you.

    If you are an American living in India, you can adopt as many children as you can afford and India will allow.

    I disagree with the person who said adopted children may hinder your chances of marriage and serious relationships. Adopted children are no more a put off by men than bio children after divorce. If you asked a guy if he would rather have a relationship with a woman who has a child but NO EX-husband or a woman with children from a previous marriage and the baggage that comes with the previous husband, I think they would take the relationship with no ex husband.

    Listen to your heart and follow it's lead. India does have a great need for adoptive families. India was one of the countries I looked at when deciding to adopt as a single but at that time, adopting from India was the same as adopting from the US. As a single I could only adopt an older child or one with a severe special need. Being single and a first time parent I felt that I needed a younger child and one that was "basically healthy".

    Good luck!

  12. I think we need to take care of all the orphans in our U.S.of A. before thinking of adopting outside.

  13. No Problem go forward i like you nobleness...

  14. i totally believe in adoption..... especially from foreign countries... even though i am from the states... i would much rather adopt out of the country.... and i feel that way for many different reasons.... 1 being that America has better adoption agencies..... the children in the states will always have the oppurtunity to go to school.... always have food...a lways have aplace to sleep.... have MANY more chances then the children in foreign countries....... also in forien countries there is a higher possibility that u will recieve a baby.... and that is a big deal for people..... even though there r older children out there that need homes..... babies r the ones that most people want..... and the answer is YES.... even if u r single.... u can still adopt...most countries u have to be at least 25 years old.... and u can for sure adopt more then one... as long as u can prove that u r capable of taking care of more then one... then isay GO FOR IT!!!!  i commend u for doing such a noble thing... there is such a need for children to be adopted..... good for u♥

  15. go ask brad pitt and angelina jolie

  16. Adoption is a beautiful blessing.  It is a journey full of many ups and downs through the process, but it is worth everything when you finally hold that child in your arms and realize how much love pours from your heart.  

    You asked a few questions about adoption and how it pertains to yourself.  You also noted that you are in India.  Unfortunately, I do not know the laws or regulations in your country.  However, there is a Yahoo Answers for India and you may be able to get some answers from there.

    Good luck to you and this beautiful process.

  17. Great questions! I just did a project on adoption this year, so it's my pleasure to help.

    Some countries or agencies do NOT allow single parents to adopt, though MOST do.

    You can DEFINITELY adopt more than one child! As long as you are physically, emotionally, and financially fit, you will be able to adopt just about as many as you please.

    I hope this helped!

  18. I think adopting is great!!! I plan on adopting kids in the future. I don't know if you can adopt as a single in India, but I do know that you can in America.

  19. I have mixed feelings about adoption.  While I understand that fundamentally there are a lot of children out there that need good homes and not institutions raising them, I am just so sad for the losses that created by perpetuating that adoption is a win win situation.

  20. ya i will

    not a boy but a sweet girl

    i hav seen many adopt boys

    wht have the innocent gals done???

    i hate those people

    i wil surely adopt a gal to give her wht she wud hav been deprived of

  21. Adoption is wonderful journey of family building for both adoptive parents and child (ren).  We have two bio teen boys & have adopted a daughter (2 1/2) from Hunan, China.  We love her as if she were our own blood.  She is a wonderful addition to our family.  There are many people, like us & Pitt/Jolie, who can have children biologically but CHOOSE adoption for other reasons.  "We would like more children in our family & there is a child who needs a family.  Enough said."  :)   (added note: my husband was adopted as well)

    Adoption is not for everyone & many people can not understand loving another child who is not their blood connection, however Love comes in many different forms.  

    As a single person you will have a more difficult time if you adopt Internationally.  China only allows very few single parents to adopt.  You would need to investigate which country will allow singles to adopt.  (see link below)  It is my understanding that as a single parent you may have an easier time in the US via the foster care system or open adoption.  

    India has a good adoption program and single women are welcomed.  (see link)  Though you must be at least 30 and no older than 45 years (same with China).  Children are aged 12 months and older.  Your question stated, "here in India" so if you are already in country then it may go much quicker in the process for you.  

    You can continue to adopt as a single parent, however, some countries have a limit of number of children in the home at the time of your dossier (paperwork file), China's requirement is no more than 5 children in the home at the time of dossier submission.  

    Since your plans are to adopt in the future then it is good that you are beginning your research now.  Take a look at adoption agencies, go to Yahoo groups & search adoption, and look closely at what kind of adoption you would like to research.  Keep in mind that an International adoption will take about a year to complete, sometimes longer.  

    As far as expenses go, both International and domestic tend to be close in cost--unless you use the state foster care system.  These are worthy children in need of a home but tend to be much older than infant age.  

    Best of wishes on your journey!

  22. Yes single people can adopt and you can adopt more then one child. Sometimes it depends on the agency you’re going through. I think it’s great I’m adopted myself and hope to one day adopted 2 or 3 kids.

  23. I believe adoption is a wonderful thing.  I would LOVE to adopt kids, even though I have a couple of my own children already.  

    It is truely a selfless act and you are right it can save a child.  The world is over populated with children that just want to have a home and be loved.  I feel many people could offer that.

    The flip side is that adoption in the U.S.  (unless you are brad and angelina) is a hard thing to deal with.  The U.S. adoption laws make it extremely difficult for people to adopt.  Which is a shame!

    There are to many rights given to the birth parents in the U.S.  

    instead of the adoptive parents.

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