
Adopting from India?

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How hard is it adopting a kid from India? Do you have to be married?




  1. If you already made up your mind to adopt from India, that's all right. But may I suggest thinking of adopting in Guatemala.

    I've heard that many people adopt in Guatemala and it is an easier and cheaper process.

  2. Not sure but i look up to you fro adopting.

  3. Chk this...try communicating with her:

  4. China has hundred's of poor little babies that want to be taken and cared for.

  5. India is open to singles if you meet all other requirements.  

    Here is a comprehensive list of agencies that have an adoption program in India:

    As far as the process - this site lists in detail about the adoption process in India:

    Don't forget, there is a lot to international adoption.  You need to remember you will not only be dealing with adoption issues with your child, but you will also need to be dedicated to keeping up with your childs heritage and culture!  

    Good Luck!

  6. From the U. S. Depaertement of State:

    ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PROSPECTIVE GUARDIANS: Couples with a composite age of 90 or less, or single persons up to age 45 can adopt; parents should be at least 21 years older than the child; in no case can a prospective adoptive parent be less than 30 or more than 55.  For more information on this issue, please refer them to the CARA website for specific details.

    From the WACAP website:

    1. What are the requirements to adopt a child from India?

    The orphanages we work with in India set the eligibility requirements for adoptive families. To adopt a healthy infant with no special needs, both parents must be 55 years of age or younger, have no more than three children living in their home and have been married at least three years. The combined age of both parents must be no greater than 90.

    If you're interested in an older child or a child of any age (including infants) with special needs, these requirements don't apply—except that couples wishing to adopt must still have been married at least three years. WACAP handles these adoptions through our Family Finders program. Single applicants, families with more than one child (we have placed children in homes with up to nine children) and couples up to age 50 can apply to adopt through Family Finders.

    The agencies in India will evaluate such applications on a case-by-case basis. Your homestudy must be complete and approved, and you must pay the first set of fees, before WACAP can obtain India’s acceptance of your application.

    This is a great agency, as well!

  7. No, you don't have to be married, but you can be at most 45 years old if you are single. Keep in mind though, this is only a legal statement by Indian agencies - prejudices run deep and you might be placed way down in the list. India is a traditional country and single mothers are still not looked upon favorably.

    India does have a hierarchy system and if you are a non-Indian living abroad, you are placed way at the bottom of the list (Indians living in India get first priority).

    You do have to be healthy and make decent money. You will need to travel to India to bring back the child and then finish the adoption here. The current timeframe is about two years from start to finish (including homestudy).

  8. Ask an Indian colleague or friend.  I would think you need to be married.  India places great stress on family and tradition.  I'm 80 percent positive they would require you to be married.

  9. Try getting info from Dillon International. I know they do India adoption.

  10. You can be a single woman. It is more difficult than other countries and Indians get first preference. Indian citizens can adopt while foreigners are granted custodial rights and have to complete the adoption in their home country per Hindu rules.

  11. I think you have to be married to adopt a child(ren) from India, if i were you i'd call up an adoption agency (or look online) just to make sure. Good luck
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