
Adopting from a poor/needy country?

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I would love to do this but i know lots of people adopt from africa so i was wondering what i the country that hardly has any adopters and is a very poor country?




  1. I hate to point out the obvious, but Africa's a continent not a country, so when you say a lot of people adopt from there, are they adopting from different African countries or are they all adopting from the same one? I know lots of African countries are poor.

    But not every country want their kids (no matter how poor and needy) to be taken by random strangers to a new country, with a new language and culture. If you must adopt internationally, go for the ones that have well-established international adoption programs to try to ensure that the child wasn't stolen or anything like that.

    Though the easiest & (in my opinion) most sensible option would be adopting a child from foster care in your home country. They need families too. Of course, that way, you might have to deal with issues like their biological parents (gasp!) and you won't feel so good about yourself cos the baby won't be from "a poor/needy country".

    I'm an adoptee and I'm glad my parents adopted me because they wanted kids, rather than they felt like being a good samaritan. I'm not a freaking charity case and if you think children from "poor" & "needy" countries are, you're gonna have fun bringing them up!

    And Bill M, Europe's a continent too. Some countries are rich and others are poor. Either way, they're separate countries. Learn some geography.

  2. Europe, my good friend was adopted there and where she was from was very poor, she was one of the few lucky kids who was fortunate enouph to get an adopter because if she had not gotton one soon she would've died.

  3. i would say africa/ or ukraine or serbia

  4. I wouldn't adopt a child because it isn't my own flesh and blood.

  5. there are plenty of children in the us that need to be adopted aswell.

  6. If you want to adopt, look into fostering a child first. It is much cheaper than going international. But if all else fails, look into:







    These are the best places to try.

  7. Lots of countries you'll find don't allow foreigners to adopt their children & I can understand their thinking, even if they are "poor".

    By adopting & removing a child from their country of origin, you will be denying them their heritage.

    If adopting is what you really want to do, and you really want to help out a child that really needs it, why not look at foster to adopt within your own country?

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