
Adopting one cat or two?

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I'm considering adopting a cat in a few weeks, but seeing it as I'll be living by myself and spending a great deal of time outside I'm afraid it'll get lonely and destroy the house as payback. Do you think a cat would manage fine on its own in a flat, or should I get another cat to keep it company? If so, should I get them both at the same time, or is it okay to introduce the newcomer at a later time, when the first cat is settled?

I'm not picky about the age of the cat I want to adopt, but if I were to get a second one, would both of them adapt to the new situation better if the second cat were younger than the first cat?

Sorry for asking so many questions and my apologies if it's confusing.




  1. 2

  2. It really depends on the breed. If you get a more independent cat it should be fine. try looking up "what cat breed is best for me?"

    here is a good website

    I wouldn't recommend getting a kitten either if your not going to be around often.

  3. Well I don't have cats, but I would imagine they're somewhat similar to dogs. In this case, I don't think one cat would get lonely, but I also bet it would love the company of a second cat. I would suggest that if you get two cats that both cats are about the same age (if one cat is older, the younger one will probably want to play but the older won't want to). I would also suggest that you get both cats at the same time that way one cat doesn't feel like the other cat is "invading its territory" and they are both coming to a new place at the same time. Hope this helped and good luck!

  4. ok let me cut it to you straight the cat WILL be fine on its own and if you only get one and keep worrying that its lonely you will end up giving it lots of toys, attension and you will never be able to go out for over 2 hours! also its very bad to introduce a newcomer to another older cat because they do the worst that cats can do, no its not ripping up your home BUT PEEING EVERYWHERE TO MARK THERE TERRATORY!!!!! this of course is very bad because you cant see it and it isnt wet but IT REALLY DOES SMELL! so you have a choice: one cat but dnt worry about it or two cats at the same time and also have you had a cat before? because if you are alone and have no experience in cats and you have 2 at the same time its very irrisponsible and also the food costs quite alot because they are just hungry ALL THE TIME!!!! and you have to buy TWICE as much doubling the cost so if I were you then I would get a friendly tabby kitten or bermese because they are INCREDIBLY cuddly and nice 2 u (but they cost 250 pounds so i wouldnt for a first cat)and only start to leave the house when its grown up a bit and just go out for longer each time that way it will get used to not having you around :)

    oops soz just read the additional details 4get about the first cat rubbish lol

  5. You should definitely get two cats. Cats do get lonely, and can actually become feral if they don't have enough human activity! So watch out for that.

    I recommend getting the cats at the same time. If you search your shelters you will surely fined a litter of at least 2. Siblings love to stay together, and end up being the best companions. If you can't find siblings, most shelters have some sort of "getting to know you room" and you can test out pairs. The people working at the shelters should also be able to recommend a pair of cats that they already know gets along well.

    Good luck!

  6. Two is better than one. litter mates preferred or same age adopted at the same time is good.  Although I had a single cat for many years and it was just fine.  Get two females or a male and female (neutered) but not two males as they will fight.  Go the a good cat site..there are many.  I prefer ask questions and there are many experienced cat owners who can give advice and there are many pages of information also.  I hope you have had cats before.  Good luck with your furry friends.  don

  7. you could get either one or two but two may be better but make sure you either get both from the same litter or get them while they are younger.  we had a cat and then got another one and the first cat we had didn't like it too much.  

  8. There are good arguments on both sides.  Some things you should be aware of:

    1.  Can you afford vet bills and food for two cats?

    2.  Do you have time to give attention to two cats, especially if they don't care to be together?

    3.  Do you have time to deal with feeding issues?  Sometimes you get a hog and a nibbler and then the hog gets fats and then you have to put one cat on a diet.

    4.  Do you have time to deal with any behavioral issues that might arise with two cats?

    You will be better off adopting two adults who have lived together before.  Then you *know* what you're getting into.  Our HS often has them advertised as needing to be adopted together.  If you want two, that would be the way to go.

    And whatever you do, don't get a cat based on its looks.  Go for purrsonality.  I went by looks and while I love my girls, they're not the cuddle bunnies I would have liked.

  9. You can get two, or you can just get one.

    They're not like dogs, where they get ''bored'' and destroy your home out of spite.

    If you can financially afford two, then see if the shelter/rescue has a pair of cats that came from the same situation, that are already known to get along. :)

  10. My goodness - where do you live?  I have a couple of litters of kittens to give away.  

    My advice is to get two so they keep each other company and it keeps you from feeling guilty if you leave them alone for the day or evening.

    I have some long haired polydactyls in the mix to give away to loving homes...  SO very beautiful...  

    Good Luck

    Willie Tattle???????

  11. either two kittens, siblings that like each other, or one adult ,not very active ,cat.

    kittens are better with a playmate, other wise they want you to play at 2am. and they cry when cold and lonely. kittens grow up sleeping on top of each other.

    older cats dont care if you ever come home, as long as some one feeds them. they just sleep all day.

  12. When we got our 1st kitten we decided on two as me and my partner were at work all day, my friend who was in the same situation decided on just one, however after a while said she wished she'd got 2 just to keep hers company. Everyday that i came home from work, they would always be cuddled up together and tomorrow they turn one and hardly ever fight but look out for each other all the time.

  13. well ya there not like dogs and desttroy your home just get a cat scratcher for there grooming needs. but im going threw the same thing i have one cat and im moving to an apartment and im goin to be busy with school and work and she will be locked up allday not to mention she is used to be out side. but im wondering if i should get another cat to keep her company when im gone. but if you get 2 cats i would think to get one irst and let them get used to there surrondings because normally cats dont get along with other cats when forced together and in a new place is overwhelming. after the cat in comfortable and you want to bring in another cat age doesnt matter i have a cat and so does my mom hers is 2 yrs older. well the cat will prbley feel like who just step on my turf and they wont get along for a littlebit now the new cat will be scared while the first cat will be more proctitve after awhile they will get used to each other and be the best of freinds.

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