
Adoption ?? 10 points best answer?

by Guest59471  |  earlier

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Hi , If My Oncle (In Usa) legally Adopt Me (15 yrs) , Do i get Us Citizen Ship ?? Or What !! I Already Have a Us Visitor Visa

and thinking about going and staying there !! NEED YOUR OPINION !!

Thakns !! 10pts




  1. yes your uncle will have to apply for your citizenship once the adoption is final... my husband is a dual citizen german/american and once we adopt a child we have to file the papers and the child will also be a dual citizen

  2. Yes, adoption does make you a legal US citizen

  3. If the adoption goes through the courts, but your parents would have to state why they are giving you up, your uncle would have to pass all the clearances, and courts are getting pretty wise to this get US citizenship quick scheme!

  4. I think it would all would depend on whether your Uncle has U.S. citizenship or is in the states a work/school temporary visa.

  5. its hard telling any more the system is bad for the people who trys to get it right

  6. If your uncle adopts you then yes, you will become a legal U.S citizen...

  7. Yes, I believe you would get citizenship automatically that way.

    However, your uncle needs to be sure he follows the international adoption process for the country you live in.

    Good luck to you!

  8. Yes you could be eligible for citizenship but how does your parents feel about this?

  9. yes you do get us citzen since he will have custody.

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