
Adoption Age HELP?

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Hi im 16 right now and i plan to join the navy at age 17 i live in California and i want to adopt a child (TEENAGE) when i get back ill be in the navy 6-8 years what is the age limit to adopt a child im california?




  1. Why don't you volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters instead...

  2. want to adopt a teenager when you are, what, 25?

    It's great that you want to take in a troubled teenager but I worry about all these teenagers themselves wanting to adopt.

    Whatever happened to parties, getting laid, buying a muscle car?  You know, NORMAL teenager stuff?

    As an adoptee, this just worries me.  I would never have wanted to be adopted by some young kid who hasn't outgrown bar hopping.  I would not want to be living with babysitters and grandparents while my too-young adopters were out having a good time.  

    If I were you, I would seriously think about why you want to adopt.  Then don't do it until you are older and mature enough to handle it.

  3. You must be at least 18 to adopt.  Some agencies have additional rules about age, marital status, etc.  You must be at least 10 years older than the child you plan to adopt.

  4. Right now, it seems like a good plan.  In 6-8 years, things will probably change.  It's an excellent thing to adopt a teen.  So many need good homes, and it sounds like you've got your head on straight, however, give yourself some time to be young too, and it will make you a better parent.  Generally, you need to be at least 15 years older than the child you adopt, so you've got a few years to adopt a teen.
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