
Adoption Attitudes: Do You Plant Weeds or Flowers?

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This is an Anology Question that has nothing to do with your yard or garden.

We all know that Weeds grow from seeds that are carried in the wind and plant themselves at random.... We all know that Weeds may look very pretty when they start to grow--only to result in an ugly plant that takes over as the season passes... We all know that weeds need little help to spread.

We all know that flowers usually require some nuture and care, often fertilizer in order to help them be their best. We all know that most of the time flowers are Intentionally planted and maintained.... We also know that the seeds they produce are fewer then weeds produce... and that at the end of the bloom the plant either regereates--or dies of old age....

Suppose for one moment that OUR Words spoken or written are Seeds--Or that our oppinions are seeds....

.....are your seeds about propgating Weeds? Or Flowers?




  1. I think this is a great analogy!

    I try to plant only flowers, I'm not always the greatest at it but with anything else I learn with patience and time.

  2. If someone plants a flowerbed with no intention of putting any effort into it, or learning about the different types of flowers and how to care for them, weeds can be a good thing.  They might force the gardener to pay closer attention and learn a little more about them pretty flowers.

  3. Well, to me the definition of a weed is a plant that is unwanted. So one person's weed is another's wanted plant.

    So no one intentionally plants what they consider to be a weed, except perhaps in the name of science. But I plant lots of things that some others would consider to be weeds. For instance I plant milkweed for monarch caterpillars to eat, but most would think of milkweed as a weed. And a lot of "weeds" have incredible medicinal properties. And the most beautiful flower, growing where it will choke out your vegetables, say, might be unwanted, and thus a weed.

    So it is just a matter of attitude. To bring it around to adoption, my job as an adoptive parent is to love and nurture my daughter to be the best plant she can be -- whatever plant she already was when she came to me. I should not try to make her into a certain type of flower that I really like, but instead the very best of whatever "species" she already is.

  4. I think our politicians are planting grass.

    The weeds in Washington will kill it for sure.

  5. I try to get others to ACKNOWLEDGE that the weeds exist, so their beds, and their children's will not be overtaken with them.

    I love flowers as much as the next person, but if we don't DEAL with the weeds, they just take over.

  6. Neither.  I speak to my own story and my own truth.  I'm about maintaining the plant that I already am and not being cut down or shut out by others.

  7. I am a poinsettia......left on my own I may spread to have a weedy appearance. But loved and nurtured I am a beautiful flower.

    Gosh this was a good question.....just look at the responses. *smiles*

  8. I think we all would like to plant flowers & not weeds, but I think everyone's garden has some amount of weeds...whether it's a large or small amount. Also, I think some people would consider some people's "flowers" to be ugly, like weeds. We all have our preferences.

  9. flowers, big beautiful elephant sunflowers.

  10. I speak my opinions.  People can take what they want from them.  I'd consider my opinions not a flower or a seed..  Some flowers have thorns and most are stalked by bees.  Weeds could be quite interesting because they aren't afraid to move on and grow.

    And besides that, the truth is NOT always pretty.

    Anyway, what does this have to do with adoption?  Are you expecting people to change their opinions because some one else considers it a weed and not a flower?


    With the history of the Qs & A's posted on this adoption page, I can only assume that you ARE trying to persuade folks to not make an "opinion" be heard if someone else may think of it as a "weed".  Why else post that kind of question in this adoption page?  What does it have to do with adoption?


    Thank you for trying to explain it.   Like spydermo's response, as it reflects my thoughts as well.

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