
Adoption Books for Small Children?

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What books have you READ that are helpful to a 3 to 5 year old being adopted through foster care? Please tell me if you actually read it from cover to cover. Thanks!




  1. I was adopted and my adoptive parents always read me and my brother a book called "The Chosen Baby." I remember it being read to me as early as I can remember. I was adopted at age 1. It has full color illustrations and it's easy for a child to understand. That would be a great book to read to the child if you can find it, it was always a beloved book in our family.

    By the way, I just found out it was by Valentina P. Wasson. Hope that helps! :)

  2. We have a book called Happy Adoption Day.  I don't rember the author, but my adopted daughter likes it.

  3. I would say Happy Adoption Day and even though it is not about adoption, "All Together Now" is one that has given us several opportunities to talk about adoption.

    Here are a few more, I have not read any of the others (besides Happy Adoption Day and All Together Now) but hope you find one that works for you.

  4. "Tell me a REAL Adoption Story" by Betty Jean Lifton (a real Adoptee)

  5. A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza.

    I have read this book many times. My son was adopted through foster care five years ago and he liked this book a lot when he was younger.

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