
Adoption Certificate?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I was adopted in Las Vegas by my dad in 1988 when he married my mom. Now i need a certified copy of my adoption orders to prove that i could legally change my last name. I thought I could get this info at vital records but i guess not. Does anyone know where i could get this court order or decree? Help!




  1. Your parents are the only ones that will be able to get that info. They will have to go to the court that they had the adoption filed through.

  2. if your Dad legally adopted you, his name should now be on your birth certificate and that should be all you need. otherwise contact the lawyer that handled the case

  3. I am unsure of the adoption laws there, but your adoption certificate is a sealed document that cannot be opened.  

    This document has information that is sealed for the privacy of the biological  parents.  You can try contacting the courts, or try contacting the place that handled your adoption.

    Good luck!

  4. your clerk of court can direct you. or call the family court division. If it is not them, they can direct you where to go. Your dad should have gotten one when he legally adopted you anyway.
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