
Adoption From South Africa?

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I'm looking into adopting from South Africa. I live in the USA. If anyone knows details (how old you must be,process) anything please please live me a message. I need as much help as possible





  1. South Africa has some of the poorest living conditions, so be careful not to participate in and encourage situations where birthparents are turning over their babies for money to feed their other children.  Research the agency carefully.  We need to support ethical and moral adoptions.

    Here is a website you might want to check out:

    Good luck!!


  3. Sorry but South Africa is no longer a possibility. Another poster already posted the web site of the agency who did my China adpotion homestudy back in 2002. At that time the owner of AAA Partners In Adoption tried to pursuade me to go with S Africa instead. The part I could not go along with was where I had to chose which child I was taking home.

    If you are looking into African countries, you might want to check out Ethiopia. They are an up and coming leader in countries to adopt from internationally. They seem to have a stable program although a fairly new program. The children are just beautiful and as healthy as any institutionalized child can be. The wait for referral is not too long. Below are details:


    Cost: $11,000 - Please contact us for the break down and estimated additional costs

    Youngest age of children available: 4-6 months

    is the average

    Age of parents: Flexible 40 year gap

    Income of family: Flexible $35,000 +

    Trips: 1 or none

    Escort fee: Flight, travel, accommodations + $100 per day

    Referral process: Children are matched with parents by the orphanage board. Upon referral, parents receive information on their child which may include a photo, medical information, and available history of child.

    Referral time: Approximately 4-6 months after receipt of dossier by Ethiopia.

    Immigration process: Adoptions may need to be finalized in the USA.

  4. We plan to adopt internationally as well, although we are adopting from China so I am more familiar with that process than any other.  

    I just tried to look up some information for you.  Unfortunately, according to this site  United States residents are unable to adopt children from South Africa.

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