
Adoption Help Please???????

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If I am planning to adopt a newborn can I name the baby girl or do they? Is there a website that shows Couples pregnant but not wanting there baby and want someone to adopt it?

If so Please give me the website.

I am having problems getting pregnant so I am going to adopt probably.




  1. Sadly - movies like Juno have given everyone a false sense of what adoption is really about.

    Mother's who even think about adoption for their unborn child are often at a point of crisis - and just in need of encouragement, help and understanding.

    I'm thinking you don't really want to seperate a mother and child - if it absolutely doesn't have to happen. That would be kind of cruel for both the mother and the child.

    I'm sad for you if it turns out that you can't have a bio child - but I'd hope that you would think of how sad it is for any child to lose their mother and father - no matter the circumstances. There is a great deal of loss involved - no matter how young or old the child is.

    You need to grieve yourself - for the child you can not have - if you are unable to have your own bio child - as adopting is NOT the same.

    An adoptee comes with a history - a set of bio parents - that the child NEEDS to know about (if at all possible - in person) - as that's what is best for the child's sense of self and for better emotional well being.

    Very few women actually give their babies willingly at birth.

    You could look into foster care - where some babies are taken from their mothers due to drug use - or abuse.

    Do research well into adoption - and read books and blog from those that have actually lived adoption - the adoptee.

  2. "If I am planning to adopt a newborn can I name the baby girl or do they?"

    Unfortunately, both.  The child would have an original birth certificate with their natural parents' names and whatever name they wish their child to have, then after the child is relinquished and the adoption is finalized, that original birth certificate is sealed away from everyone and replaced with a new birth certificate listing the adoptive parents as the natural parents with whatever name the adoptive parents wish the child to have.  Only in a few states are adoptees allowed to open up the sealed original birth certificate.

    "Is there a website that shows Couples pregnant but not wanting there baby and want someone to adopt it?"

    I'm not sorry to say that no, there is thankfully no such website as far as I know of.  That would be the most embarrassing thing I could think of.  Could you imagine yourself being placed on such a website when you were at quite likely the lowest point in your life that you had to consider relinquishing your child away?  Unfortunately, because of the way domestic infant adoption works, the websites out there either are of prospective adoptive parents showing how much better they are than the parents in crisis, or they are of websites showing not newborn children waiting for adoptive families.

  3. Depending on the type of adoption, agreements, etc. but normally the adoptive parent names the infant.  

  4. No mother truly knows if she wants her baby or not until that baby is born and in her arms.  During pregnancy is not the time to be making this decision.

    Adopting is not the same as having a child of your own.  Your child may always have anger/rejection/abandonment issues, even if adopted as a newborn.  They may also have other parents and extended family out there who want to be involved in their lives to some extent.  Some adoptees return again to their natural families.  Some consider all 4 parents, natural and adoptive, to be mothers and to them and love them as such.

    I hope that you achieve a pregnancy of your own and I wish you the best of luck in this.  

  5. Be sure to educate yourself about adoption.  Here are some reading suggestions for you:

    * "Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self" by Brodzinsky, Schecter, and Henig

    * "Journey of the Adopted Self" by Betty Jean Lifton

    * "The Primal Wound" by Nancy Verrier

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