
Adoption. If my husband and I get put on the adoption list of a private state run agency,?

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would that be like gambling with our money to see if we get a baby or not? I know the wait can be a while but will it eventually happen? Or will we spend thousands of dollars and never get a baby.




  1. Does it have to be a young baby? I worked for an adoption agency, we were the state's agency. It cost just legal fees. We had children for adoption sometimes babies, the whole process took about a year. However, if you are very specific about your wants I realise it could take longer. Have you tried to get on the state list of other states apart from your own.

  2. why don't you roam the streets and pick up a stray baby

  3. Foster to adopt is about your only good choice with the state, if you want a baby to 5 years old.

    Private adoption would take about one year (after you mortgage your home!)  : )

  4. I am not sure which state you live in......I do know that babies are always the ones that adoptive parents want the most have you considered taking in a child that was say 5, 6, or 7 they need a good home and lots of love as well.....

  5. Your words - quoted:

    "I would be willing to get it up to a year old."

    You don't deserve a child if you even consider calling it an "it".

    Go and get a dog.

    I'm sure you would be happier.

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