
Adoption In Texas.?

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I'm almost 4 months pregnant and want to give my baby up to a family who isn't able to have a baby or whatever the case may be.I don't have any support from my family or the father and neither want anything to do with me and this baby. I just need some advice on where to start. I have some number to agencies but what step do I take after that. Make an appointment? Just talk to them? What about doctor appointment?I don't need anyone to judge i'm just young and need to be shown the right direction.




  1. You won't find any judgment from me.  Go to Bethany's website: and contact them.  They have an excellent reputation.

    They'll be able to give you all the guidance you need on what your next steps should be.  From my understanding, the adoptive family generally takes care of the expenses associated with your pregnancy and the birth.

    I wish you well and hope you find a marvelous adoptive family for your baby.  Good for you for being loving enough to choose adoption for the child you're carrying.

    Also go to: and see if Tapestry can help you.  I talked to some of the folks there & I am completely impressed with what they're doing!

  2. keep the baby it could change your life for the better

  3. picking an agency or an adoption facilitator is a bit tricky. Adoption is a big business and it's easy for those running those businesses to make sure to sway the odds that you will relinquish instead of honoring the ethical obligation to make sure you are fully informed and not coerced.

    Safeguarding the rights and well being of birthparents in the adoption process. This link discusses the the changes that those that facilitate the adoption process should make in order to honor that ethical obligation. It is in everyone's best interest if you find an agency or facilitator that meets the qualities in this pdf.

    Also a checklist for what to look for in an ethical agency.

    This is a website written by a birthmother to help give information about open adoption in a non-biased way.

    Finding the resources to support an open adoption

    How to find good counseling

    As for preparing for the placement of your child...

    I'm not entirely sure there is a good way to prepare. I think if I had to do it all over again, I would honor the process of deciding between adoption and parenting better. Part of the problems I have had in the years since relinquishment is coming to terms with not being my own advocate. Not only did I relinquish my child, I relinquished my judgment to other people's advice for fear of either being too needy, or out of fear of making the situation worse.

    So with that, I say honor the process. You cannot decide that you will relinquish your baby for adoption until after birth. You can make an adoption plan though. You can look at profiles and possibly pre-match with a potential adoptive family. Keep in mind that this is just a plan, and the potential adoptive family is just that... potential. It is so easy to let yourself think of your baby as theirs instead of yours. It is so easy for potential adoptive parents to think of your baby as theirs and not yours. Be kind to everyone involved and not let that assumption be made. This is your baby until the termination of parental rights is signed. They should not accompany you to doctor's appointments. They should not be at the birth because of how easy it is lose sight of the huge choice you have to make after the baby is born. If you still choose adoption, they will have a lifetime to bond with your child.

    If you were to choose adoption after your baby is born, realize that every moment of the time you have with your baby will be forever etched in your memory. Hold your baby. Take the time to absorb that time in. While some say the thought of looking or holding will make the separation hurt more, the lack of holding or looking hurts way more in the years to come.

    Also, look at all your options. You need a parenting plan in place. You cannot make an informed decision without know all of your options. In fact, the pressure placed on you to relinquish without a parenting plan is that much worse.

    Discussion boards to help find resources and get more information about your choices.

    Also, take many pictures of you pregnant and with your baby after birth.

  4. Hi, I was adopted from the Edna Gladney Center in Ft. Worth, TX 30 years ago.  It is now called the Gladney Center and still has a wonderful reputation.  I believe they provide a place to live, but I don't know all the details.  When I was 16, i placed a child for adoption and i went with a place in Kileen Tx called Child Placement Center of TX.  They were the best.  Hope this helps. And best of luck.

  5. If you are 4 months pregnant you need to see a doctor immediately. Yours and the babys health is top priority. The Dr. can give you the best advice on where to start and when. you don't have to sign adoption papers until after delivery.My doctor refused to see me if I didn't go through the state agency. The adoptive family will be well screened to make sure your baby has the best possible home. May many blessings come to you. Take comfort in knowing that the child you are carrying is for a couple that dearly want a child and can't concieve them selves

  6. You sound like you are mature and level headed.   I applaud your decision to seek out advice.

    You can call an agency and speak with a counselor, and she will tell you the process.  It is not all that complicated but the father will have to sign a Waiver.  They will tell you how they will handle all of that.  You will not need to go to court, and their services are free.  

    If you need to know a good agency in Texas, please email me.  I can recommend two very ethical ones.  They can work with you no matter where in Texas you live.  I will be glad to help you.

  7. I would suggest contacting Family to Family Adoptions Inc.  They are located in Richmond Texas and are very wonderful ladies that will walk you through step by step.  Their phone number is 281-342-4042 and their website is

    My husband and I adopted our daughter through this agency, and we saw how well they took care of her birth mother.  They really took her feelings and desires into consideration and they even provided her with housing and transportation/support to doctors visits.  They will work with you to find the family that would be best for your baby, and help you make all the decisions in the next 5 months.  Belinda is the name of the lady that really works with birthmothers...and every birthmother I talked with had nothing but good to say about her!  She is sweet, and will even be there for your delivery if you want.  Jenifer O.  is one of the case workers there, and the lady to owns it is named Maxine.  They are all wonderful people.

    After you call them they will start working with you on what the next steps will be...doctors, looking at adoptive couples profiles, living, any needs you may have.

    Good luck, you are a great person!

  8. hummm well you could try to find a family yourself. that would cut down on costs the adopting family would have to pay out. not everybody wanting a baby can afford the thousands of dollars it costs to adopt even though they are fully capable of supporting a raising the child. i myself know of several people in that position. they cant have any and cant afford all the fees the agencies charge. but they can afford the cost of raising a child. it would all depend on you really. you could go through and agency or you could pick the family yourself. doing it yourself means that you could still see the baby from time to time and recieve updates on it. kind of like an open adoption. that way you will always know your child is being taken care of.

  9. God bless you for thinking of what is best for the child!  Adoption is the best gift you can give your child.  I have heard great things about Buckner Adoption Services and they have locations in Texas.  They can provide you with all the information and help you need. Below is a link to their website.  You are a caring, unselfish and compassionate person.  Best of luck to you!
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