
Adoption? Is it Harder or Eaiser?

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I am only 13, but I am really positive that I want to adopt kids. When I am old enough!!! So I was wondering from some parents do you think it is easier to haver your own children or to adopt. I want to save some kids and I just think it is great...

so question is easier to adopt or have own?




  1. Well, I'd have to say that adoption is a whole lot harder, for the adoptee.  You've got plenty of time to research what it's like to be an adoptee, so that you can make informed decisions.  I hope you will consider adopting a foster child.  There are over 100,000 foster children waiting for families, and not enough families to adopt them.  But there is only one healthy white infant put up for adoption for every 90 prospective adoptive parents who WANT healthy white infants.

    I wish you luck!

  2. well niether is easy

    you can always do both

    i am one of 9 kids

    2 half sisters


    then 6 adopted brothers.

    i have given birth to 2 boys and it was incredible.

    you can do both for real

  3. The responsibilities involved in having children are no easier or harder no matter which way you do it.  You are still responsible for the wellbeing of a child and their development.  

    Mind you, both are equally rewarding as well.

  4. Both ways are hard. My first was through adoption, and i have an open adoption with my birth child, but to know she is grwoing up with a new mom is kind of hard, but at the same time i know i did what was best. and having your own is just as hard you are taking care of them just as much as if you were to adopt.  There might be alot of kids out there that need families, but if you end up having your own kids the others will get homes sooner or later, there are alot of coupls out there that want to adopt kids. Just remember it is going to be hard either way and if adoption is the way you want to go. just remember you both are going to feel really sad at first. you are going to feel like you are taking someones child from them, and they are going to be thinking if they did the right thing or not. good luck.

  5. Hmmm 13 is wayyyyyyyyyyy to young to be thinking of having kids either via birth or adoption..Hun you need to get out in the world and enjoy your life first before considering either.

    If you want to *save some kids* then might I suggest that you go to your local Shelters and play with some of the kids there, do some charity fund raising for local foster homes , kids in need etc

    You are just a kid yourself and whilst its always good to plan ahead i think perhaps you should wait a few more years before thinking of this subject .....

    To answer your question Apart from the pregnancy and Birth which is unique to when you have your own child and all the hormones attached to it raising an adopted child or raising a biological child is d**n HARD WORK !

  6. Wow that adoption industry media adoption-selling campaign is really working isn't it

    Enjoy your childhood, you'll have enough worries in adulthood.  Have fun whilst you can and don't be worrying about adult things

  7. Hiya!

    I don't mind answering questions about parenting to a teenager.  I think it's normal to wonder about parenting as you get older.  The only way to learn is by asking questions.

    To answer your question, I have one biologial child and two children from adoption.  I can't say  one has been "easier" for me than the other.  

    Being pregnant means you go through the entire physical process of being pregnant... which is certainly no picnic!  But I am grateful that I had that experience: being pregnant, giving birth.  I truly found it to be a miracle (even though that sounds cheesy).  

    Adoption was a different journey altogether.  Instead of pre-natal appointments, there's visits with a social worker, getting fingerprinted, filling out so many forms that you get writer's cramp. There's a feeling of "Is this ever going to happen?"  Instead of the toll being swollen ankles and morning sickness, it was more emotional.

    It's hard to make a true comparasion between the two experiences.  I wouldn't call either one "easy", but their challenges are completely different.  

    Hope that answers your question.  Never feel ashamed for asking questions!

  8. well, my mom is trying to adopt this baby. And i think it is easier to have your own kid and adopt some. Because u can get a baby but kids are what need help

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