
Adoption: Is it true that adoption brokers don't like it when the adoptive father is 40 and over?

by Guest62608  |  earlier

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My husband and I are in excellent health. I am also 32 years old.




  1. If you do your research, you will soon learn that most adoptive couples are 40 or older.  The reason they are that age in many cases, is that they struggled in their mid 30's to even early 40's sometimes, with infertility.....the "biological clock" issue.  Different coutries have different age restrictions for adoption. Some will not consider adoptive parents over 40, while others will entertain up to 45.  Domestic agencies also may have restrictions on age, however, if you begin your process (meaning homestudy approved), prior to that age cut off, you are still eligible after that age if you are still "waiting for placement".

  2. Adoption brokers??

    Licensed Master's of Social Workers are the professionals who approved most adoption homestudies in most states.  They are mandated by the state to follow specific state laws regarding who is allowed to adopt.  They of course, look for many things in a prospective parent.  Appropriate age is one factor.  

    Most private, licensed Adoption Agencies also have their own specific requirements regarding age of adoptive applicants, as well as many other requirements.  They can set their own standards because they are a private agency.  

    That being said, most Social Workers and agencies alike require the adoptive parent applicant to be between the ages of 23 - 50.  However, some do restrict the age for a newborn to parents under the age of 44-46.

    It is not that the Social Workers and agencies "don't like" the father or mother to be a certain age, it is because they are responsible for making decisions which will be in the best interest of the child.  And approving parents who will be there for their children and raise them into adulthood is making a responsible decision.

    I hope that helps!

  3. That depends a lot on what age child you're looking at adopting. We're both close to 40, but we're looking for school-aged kids. My brother in law is 38 and his wife had another one last December. His girls will be 2 and 3 when he's 40. My grandpa was 42 when my mom was born; I have a friend who was born a week after her father's 40th birthday. It's not unheard of for a biological dad to be 40 years older than his child, so I don't know why that would be a problem.

  4. That's not neccessarily always the case. Some agencies will give to adults up to fifty years old, yet some agencies require that you are less then thirty five. It all depends. good luck!

  5. Parents giving up their children prefer to give them to younger couples, generally speaking.

  6. no that is not too old

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