
Adoption Medical History...?

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My boyfriend was adopted from Korea and we recently found out we were pregnant. I have a family medical history for a genetic disorder that is potentially fatal to a child.

Do you think the medical history he received has a list of family medical history to know about birth defects and mutations in their genes and such?




  1. Tough to say.  

    Korean adoptions now have some of the most detailed medical information and history of any international adoption program out there.  

    However, presuming that your boyfriend is at least 20-30 years old, that much data may not be there.  I doubt there will be information to that level of detail.  I would recommend talking to a genetic reproductive specialist with your family history regardless, but given the unknown factors with his, I'd definitely recommend it.

  2. I don't know  but you can see a Genetic counselor who could answer a lot of your questions

  3. Children adopted from Korea today have very good medical records, but I don't know what the medical records were like for your husband when he was adopted.  I would not assume that they are complete, though.  Can you have your husband tested to see if he has the faulty gene, also?  If it is a disorder for which you can test for being a possible carrier, I would have your husband be tested.  I'm also assuming you have told you OB; if not you should.  They can perhaps do an amnio to test the fetus and ease your mind.  As other people are saying, maybe a genetic counselor can help you, also.  Good Luck with your pregnancy.

  4. It may, however, since you already know that you are a carrier, your best bet is to talk to your doctor and get a recommendation for a genetics specialist who can test you both.  

    We adopted a child with a rare genetic medical disorder and there are plenty of good genetic doctors out there that can help you.  If you need a recommendation for one, please feel free to email me thru my profile.

    Best of luck.

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