
Adoption? Please Help?

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how would me and my boyfriend go about having or adopting children since we are g*y?




  1. It doesn't look your's not right either to have u g*y couples in the eyes of a child or children..

  2. I will tell you right now that as a woman that put a child up for adoption, you have every right to adopt and the parent of the child/baby you adopt will have anything to do with any decision concerning the adoption. I was raped and gave my beautiful boy up. Once I signed the papers I wasn't allowed to see him any more. I pray that he went to a good home with loving parents. And no, it doesn't matter that the parents were hetero or homosexual, what matters is that the child is brought up in a loving atmosphere. Gosh, I wish people would get over this. It's so silly and there are so many children out there that are suffering without parents. I was orphaned when I was younger and never adopted, left to a horrible situation that I would never wish on anyone. I would have been glad if someone caring and loving adopted me and it wouldn't have mattered if they were g*y. They would have been my parents regardless. I wish you the best of luck. Go for a baby and love it as much as you can. Kids give back all the love you give to them.


  3. Same way any other couple does. You either apply to adopt a child or you find a surrogate mother.

    Rules vary between states about who qualifies to adopt a child.

    You could also enquire about fostering .

  4. same as any other couple...check around with different agencies...sexual preference usually isn't an issue anymore.

  5. Most adoption agencies are looking for loving and caring parents. It doesn't matter about your sexual orientation unless it is a Christian orphanage.  You may want to start if you haven't already by getting letters of recommendation from work, family and friends talking about your character as a person.  Also it doesn't help to have proper financial stability including a house and a high paying job.  Good luck with your search! And if all else fails you could become foster parents to get accredability and references

  6. surrogant mother would be the best option. if i were u though. i'd lie and bring a chick along and say she was my girlfriend and we want to adopt. but that's me though. good luck.

  7. Please don't take this harsh, but If I were placing my child and you were up against and equaly loving straight couple, I'd go with the straight couple. Having g*y parents is just another trial that you're asking a child who is already dealing with the stigma of being adopted to overcome. That's a tough one.

    I think almost all kids just want to be nomal.

    now, i do think it's different for a daughter than it would be for a son. If you had a son others (not me) might think that he's g*y too and that would be a HUGE for him.

    Many g*y couples go to 3rd world countries to adopt 'cause the seletion process is up to the agency and ANY loving home is better than NONE, but a loving straight home is probably more suitable in most cases.

  8. you dont!!!!!!!

  9. There are many agencies that handle g*y adoptions.  Depending on the state that you live in (assuming that you are in the US), you can apply for foster care.  I have heard that some relinquishing parents prefer g*y adoptive families because they are often more willing to enter into open adoption agreements and consider the family of origin as part of their extended family.  Selecting a family for adoption may also depend on the experience of the family of origin.  For many families, g*y IS normal.

    Regardless of your path to adoption, I beg you to always pursue a path that is ethical with respect to the family of origin and is considerate of the adopted person's feelings about his/her family of origin.

  10. The same way a straight couple would go about it. Find an agency or even adopt from the foster care system.  There are a few states that don’t allow g*y adoption like Florida is one so if you live there the most you can become is foster parents. Other then that its no different then a straight couple adopting. Also some places don’t allow joint adoption if the couple is not married. That was the case of the most recent addition of Jolie-Pitt family, the country that Pax was from didn’t allow unmarried couples to adopt. Thus Brad had to file to adopt him once he was legally adopted by Angelina.

    You could always hire a surrogate, who would donate her egg and carry the baby for 9months. Or possible just carry if you got an egg from the egg bank.  However then you’d have to decide who would be the biological father. Of course you could always do another one later with the other as the biological father.  I read of L*****n couple had 2 kids, they used the same sperm donor both times, but one carried the first baby and was the bio mother, while the other was biomother to their 2nd child they had.
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