
Adoption Searches?

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I have little information to search with in looking for my biological parents. My adoptive parents have told me all they could and I would like to know if there is anyone out there who could help me in beginning this long and tedious task. I want to know, but then I don't want to find something that I would have been better off not knowing. Please help me, I'm confused and unable to function..




  1. 1. Buy the book, Birthright: A Guide to Search and Reunion by Jean A. S. Strauss it is an excellent resource for all who are interested in searching.

    2.Contact the state you were born and adopted in and find out what registries they offer.

    3. File for non id info and Medical History with the state(s) in which you were born and adopted.

    4. File with Soundex International Reunion Registry.  It's the biggest off line registry there is.

    Good luck in your search.

  2. txbastard above has given you some great advice.

    I would also suggest - - for support - more links - and ask for Gershom for any searching help - the girl is a wiz I tell you!!

    Grab some books on searches and reunions.

    Above is a link to the Origins USA site - with some book suggestions.

    Some articles are also here -

    I won't say it's an easy journey (search & reunion) - it can be as frustrating as h**l, emotional, confusing & crazy - BUT - it ultimately can mean that you can finally fit in those missing pieces that you've been longing to know.

    It has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done.

    Grab ALL the support you can get. Talk to many many other adoptees. And just try to relax - and take things as they come. The hardest times are when you have too many expectations - and things don't then go as you plan.

    Try even writing down what it is you want from searching.

    Above all - be honest with yourself.

    You have every right to know your history - your story.

    It's your truth.

    Then take it all one step at a time.

    Click on that first link above ANYTIME you feel the need!!

    I wish you all the very best as you move forward.

    If you never search - you'll never know.

    Personally - I have no regrets.

  3. im in the same position i dont know where to go anymore i have gone through all the web sites

    good luck

  4. First, have you looked at the laws and records access for the state your adoption was finalized? Does your state have a registry? You can find a search angel at  also. A national registry is   You can email me if you want more detailed instruction. Good luck!

  5. well, I'm sure it depends on where you live, but I called the agency that handled my adoption and they did the search for me.  I live in Mississippi and all adoption records are sealed, and they cant give out info to the adoptee.  it took them about 3 months to find my bio mom.  There is an agency called Omnitrace, they are expensive but as a last resort it might be worth it.  They called me and said they can use resources that others cant.  I had no info whatsoever but the agency of course had her info from the time of adoption and could start from there.   Good's a roller coaster of emotions

  6. Ok i am an adoptee. what did you not want to know. i had parents i found out and not given to an orphanage. i mean what could be more shocking than that? i also had two sisters and i was not staying with them. i was infant and given to my grandma and then she gave me to her brother and wife to raise there was legal stuff and i was gone for nearly 30 some years before i found out. well my dad and real mom were drunks and druggies and my sisters had a pretty bad life. i was lucky. i did get to talk to dad before he died. he had cancer with came from severe drinking. i have no idea how old you are and what you have thought about. if they are married is that a problem you not being with them or are they single and  now maybe they are married maybe they dont' want to see you. there are so many variables. but you are alive and well that is what counts. some moms and dad do want to see their kids some dont'. take one day at a tme if you wan tto find out soemthign ifyou know which state you were in. write the social security admin. let them know you are looking for medical reasons. sometimes that can help. do you know their names and birthdays? if you knew your name they gave you you can get your birthcerfitcat e by writing to the health depart in the stae with fee you can get it pay for it. take care there are things and sometimes if you are lucky at geneologist will catch this and can help you. take care.
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