
Adoption Terms?

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As you all know, I'm still kinda new around here. Is there anyone that could explain some of the terms I keep seeing such as PAP's??

Hate to sound ignorant as h**l..... but I am :D




  1. Some people who have been on here for months call all adoptive parents PAP'S. I'm not sure if they know what the P stands for. So, you might see that every now and then. Lokk like everything else was answered in the first post.

    ETA: Does anybody else find it funny that we all answered the question pretty much the same way but some of us got thumbs down and some people got all thumbs up. It shows that people give thumbs up and thumbs down based on who answers the question and not the content of the actual answer. SAD!!!

    Maybe I'll earn enough points some day to know what it feels like to give a thumbs up or down. Probably won't ever happen though.

  2. LaurieDB did a great job with the answer.  A few others that I could think of are:

    SW = social worker

    CPS = Child Protective Services

    DYFS = Division of Youth & Family Services

    OBC = Original Birth Certificate

    P.S.  - You aren't ignorant.  The fact that you are asking for clarification shows you care.  : )

  3. your first question was answered wonderfuly, the answer to the second is yes, they all mean the same thing.

  4. PAP = prospective adoptive parent

    AP = adoptive parent

    aparent = adoptive parent

    fparent = first parent

    nparent = natural parent

    bparent = birth parent

    TTC = trying to conceive

    I'm sure there are a lot of others, but I'm just not thinking of them at the moment.


    First, birth and natural all refer to what most people probably call birthparents, but some people prefer other terms, such a first or natural.

  5. AP=adoptive parent

    Bmom - birthmother

    Bdad - birthfather

    ICPC - interstate compact for children

    Rel. - Relinquishment

    Not saying I like the terms, just that some people use them!
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