
Adoption and Foster Parenting?

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I was wondering if anyone has any info on adoption and foster parenting. How would I start the process? Any information would help. Thanks




  1. Look into 'Respite Care' too if you're looking to get started.  That's where they place children with you immediately after removing them from the home, before they are put in more permanent foster care.  It's a more short term way of doing foster care.  I think in Florida, it's only for up to 72 hours.   That may be a good place to start.  I know they call it Respite Care in Florida, it may be called something else in other states.

  2. My husband and I have a daughter that we adopted through an adoption agency called Family To Family Adoptions Inc.  they were wonderful to work through.

    We had already completed our homestudy through an independant agent.  With a homestudy they do background checks, ask you and your spouse lots of questions, make sure your house meets safety standards.

    Once we called the agency we filled out an application, and they then presented out "profile" to expecting mothers.  Once one of the mothers picked us, we were "matched" and waited for our daughter to be born.  However, we only waited a week, because her birthmother was at the end of her pregnancy.

    With the profile, it will consist of a letter you write to the birthmother, it is called the "Dear Birthmother".  There will also be pictures of you and your family...maybe your house, pets, etc.  This profile needs to help the birthmother know you just by reading it.  

    In some cases the birthmother will want to meet before the birth, sometimes birthmother will never want to meet you.


    To become foster parents you need to take a course provided by the state to receive a liscense.  In many states this course is called PRIDE Classes.  Parents Resources for Information, Development, and Education.  There will be between 30-35 hours of class time plus homework.  The state will then have a homestudy done for you the same way youwould for the adoption agency.  Once everything is cleared they will send you your liscense and you will be able to start fostering.  With the time your case worker is with you you will have figured out how many children you can care for and what ages you would like to work with.

    Adoptions prices can be $17000 to $30000

    There will almost always be an aplication fee but NEVER pay more that $500 for that fee.  Our adoption cost was about $17000 to the agency, then about $700 for lawyer fees to finalize the adoption.

    Foster care just cost the time you invest in it.  We are also starting the adoption process through foster care and that is just going to cost lawyer fees for finalization.  

    Our adoption agency is Family To Family Adoptions Inc and their website is

    or phone number


    Good Luck!

  3. I would recommend contacting a reputable adoption agency in your area.  They can provide you with all of the information necessary to form a decision on what is best for you regarding foster care or adoption.  Typically the initial consultation for information is free and you are under no obligation.  You may also want to contact your state's social services - Children & Youth Division - they will be able to provide you with detailed information about foster parenting.

    Good luck to you.

  4. Go to

    and check out your state's website on adoption & foster care.  They'll have the requirements & process laid out for you.

    Generally, you fill out a form letting them know you're interested & attend classes on becoming foster/adoptive parents (ours were ten weeks once a week for three hours each).  You have one or move home visits so they can ask you questions and see that your home is a safe environment, you are fingerprinted & have criminal background and child abuse & neglect checks, and then you get approved.

    Some states have about a six month process, in some states it takes longer.  You can ask about the time frame in your state.

  5. If you are in the U.S., call your local (county) children services. They would provide you with all the info you would need to get started including home study procedures and what you would need to do to become a foster parent.

  6. Call you local Health and Human Services and they will get you started in the process.  You will need to take a class to become certified to be a licensed foster parent (either fostering or adoption).  Once you are licensed, you phone won't stop ringing...or at least ours hasn't.  In the last two years, we have been asked to take on (not all at once) 8 children all under the age of 4!  We have only had three of them in our house (not all at once) and actually sent one back home to his mommy...(she worked her a&& off to get him back) but the two we currently have aren't going to be as lucky and we are in the process of adopting both of them.

  7. I am currently fostering-adopt.  It depends on where you live, I contacted our county human services agency and asked them how I go about getting a license to become a foster parent or foster-adopt. I live in California and we had to attend a orientation and fill out some basic forms and then they give you a huge packet to fill out and let you know to call and enroll in Pride classes, which is a 10 week course.  If all goes well and you pass background checks for everyone in your household and complete the either as a single person or if you are married, both have to attend.   Then the ball gets rolling from there.

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