
Adoption! are you able to put a child up for adoption without having the consent of the father? what happens?

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if you don't know who the father is or he is unfit?




  1. Please be careful - there are trolls on this site who will tell you whatever you want to hear to get their hands on your child.

    Get some legal advice & make sure you are counselled before you terminate your rights as a parent.

    This is a HUGE decision for you AND for your baby's future.

    Oh, and IMO if you do know who the father is (& you must have some idea) you really need to let him know - sometime later on your child will want to trace her birth roots - that is something you can be sure of.

  2. You can however, be prepared for legal custodity disputes from the fathers side of the family as it were in court. Unless you can legally prove with solid proof to a lawyer and adoption workers that he would be unfit as a father and that his rights should be terminated in a case like this you're going to have a long hard road to go before an agency or independent family is going to work with you in helping place your child in a home.

  3. If he has terminated his rights either on paper or by not paying his child support for a period of time then your okay.

    Get a lawyer. Also make sure this is what you want. Make sure this is the best decision for your baby.

  4. Im adopted, and some of these answers are ridiculous. My life is wayy better then it would be if I were living with my birth parents. You know what's best.

    To answer your question, part of it depends on the state laws. But if you are not married to the father, you should be able to set the child up for adoption without his consent.

  5. Is this baby born yet?  If you don't name him as the father on the birth certificate; you might be able to get away with it.  

    Sadly, what you think doesn't  count when it comes to the Dad being unfit.  If he has a drug problem, or if there has been violence with him, you're gong to need police reports etc, to PROVE it.  Your child will go into foster care until all this is concluded to the satisfaction of the courts.  

    Chances are, the Dad won't give you any trouble because if you don't want to raise the baby he will HAVE to.  Most guys won't step up like that.  They don't want a baby slowing them down from going to clubs and they don't want the expense.

    Look at it this way; how would you feel if HE wanted to put the baby up for adoption whether you wanted to keep it or not, and all he had to say was that YOU are unfit?  Be very careful of the stones you throw.

  6. No you cannot. What is wrong with you?

  7. You need the Father's consent. Please think about keeping the baby, once you give up your child, you will never be the same, it's a hurt that doesn't heal.

  8. Ur makin a mistake by puttin the child up for adoption.

    but since its ur decition.

    You can but if the father wants the child he can take it from the foster parents. so it would be best to get him to sign

  9. If you do not know who the father is, any agency or attorney will require as much information about the birth father as you know. What they need to do is to relinquish his parental rights prior to any adoption finalization. What this entails usually, is an ad in the newspaper with a description of the "scenario" of your conception, the child, etc., asking him to contact the courts. If he does not, then the courts relinquish his rights. This usually takes up to 60 days once the ad is placed in the paper.

  10. If you really don't know, then you can but you have to make every effort to find him first.

    But, you can't determine that he's unfit.  He has rights just like the mother does and if you try to put the baby up for adoption and hide it from him, he can come forward and claim his child, even after the adoption is final.  It's a cruel situation to put a child in & only a selfish, ignorant mother would do something like that.

  11. You would have to prove paternity or 'unfit'

    if the 'father' doesn't step forward and fight, it's pretty much a no-brainer.

    good luck to you and your child. It's a selfless wonderful thing you do for the baby's future, and yours.

  12. adoption.   you should adopt infant or child.  wherefrom you obtain that infant or child.  From their parents.  so,  certainly Father's approval is necessary, coz no future confusion.  This is one point.

    another point..   you go orphanage,  select any baby and adopt.  no problem coz you don't know who are his/her parents and parents side..they doesn't know where their child gone. necessary action in registering at the appopriate forum  immediately after adoption.

  13. You are legally and of course morally obligated to let the father know and to tell the court who the father is or who you think the father might be. If the father doesn't come forth and give up the rights to his child -- the court will publish an ad in the newspapers in the town(s) where the possible fathers live stating that such and such woamn gave birth to such and such child on such and such date and anyone knowing anything about who the father might be should come forth with the information. After several months (perhaps 2 months, I don't really remember the exact amount of time) the court will terminate the father's rights if no information is found.  If you think the father is unfit, it is not up to you to decide that he is unfit. The court will decide that.

  14. I'm not sure. If you don't know who the father is... Most likely! But, why would you want to put a little kid up for adoption? Boy or girl?

  15. The father has to sign off on the adoption even if he is unfit. If you don't know who he is every effort, legally has to be made to find the father often times this includes running ads in newspapers. Do you have some other alternatives you might look into?

  16. Generally by having s*x with you that is considered consent.  He knew that it was a possibility.  Usually the adoption agency you choose does attempt to find him through newspaper ads and other means.

  17. If you dont know the father then yes.  If you do know who it is then dont tell him you are pregnant with his kid then give it up.

  18. depending on ur state laws.

  19. nuffin happensz

    u dnt need the father of ur baby

    itsz ur body & itsz ur decidion

    but i do think u should let da daddy know

    if u know who he is

  20. if you know who the father is he has to be notified.if u think hes unfit u can do it .But you MUST prove him unfit..And depending on where u are,they may make u find out who the father is ..its a real touchy thing in court..itll be a long process..steve

  21. i am preaty sure that if you don want the kid and the father id unfit then yes you can but they might want you to take a paternaty test .

  22. I am going  to try to be as polite as possible...first, the father has as much rights as the mother in a custody or adoption case. fit or pretty darn sad when the mother does not remember whom she had s*x with and when. Sounds like the mother should be claimed unfit.

  23. Not that easily these days.  Fathers are filing paternity on putative father registries.  If he is on that list, a child can't be adopted.  Agencies will try to get around that though to get that profit.  There are currently seven cases in courts because of this issue.  Fathers not being notified of the adoption is getting adoption agencies in BIG trouble.

  24. The father would have to be notified,  The only case I know of is the girl was unsure which man fathered her child.  The adopting couple's attorney posted an ad in the newspapers of where the men lived and made notice of adoption to take place.  Check with an attorney to be sure.

  25. kmt  dont go through with it

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