
Adoption babies b days?

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People who have adopted out of their countries do you know your babies b day if not when do you celebrate just wondering cause i plan to adopt from china when i'm older




  1. Most babies who are adopted had consent forms signed from the parents, which will have the date of birth on it.  

    Unfortunately, some babies are dumped on the street, and the date of birth is estimated from the umbilical cord (if that's the case), to many other medically accepted forms of "aging" a child.  There will be a new birth certificate issued, with the closest estimate of the child's actual birth on it.

  2. How would they not know their birthday? Because they were adopted? They still have a birth certificate.

  3. I don't have any adopted children - but my boyfriend's little sister is adopted from Guatemala and I LOVE what they do for her birthday.  Because they don't know her exact birth date, instead they celebrate, "Gotcha Day" which is the day that Jesse, his littler sister, was adopted.  It's just like a birthday party, except they celebrate with a cake and traditional Guatemalan foods, and give her gifts that come from Guatemala - like a beautiful bracelet or unique doll.  This way they aren't faking it and just making up a birthday, but they are also acknowledging that she is adopted and this is something to celebrate because they are so happy to have her in their family.  

    I think she has benefited from them being honest with her about her adoption (not like she wouldn't eventually notice that she is adopted because the family is white and she has a darker complexion).  I think it's better to just get it out on the table and be honest about what went down in terms of their adoption instead of having the child find out years later and start freaking out and asking questions.  Jesse definitely thinks about and asks a lot of questions about her adoption even though she is still very young, but she knows that her family loves and accepts her even if she didn't become their daughter in the conventional or "traditional" way.

  4. People don’t always know I know a lady who adopted from China and the only reason she knew her daughters birthday is because the girls birthparents pinned a piece of paper to the baby with the date she was born, when they abandoned  her. But not all abandoned babies get that.  There was a woman in a class I had a few years ago she adopted from Russia and though they were told a  birthday, her pediatrician  said that the child was actual older or young (cant  recall which)then indicated so they had to pick a day to celebrate the child’s birthday.

    I think people if they don’t know just have to pick a day to celebrate. They can talk to their doctor and try to get as close as possible to when the baby may have been born. But unless the child one day finds their birthparents they may never know for sure which day they were actually born.

  5. omg!  we do NOT have bc, and ps!!!  birthdates are FREQUENTLY falsified!!!!!!

    are you kidding me with this?????

  6. This is a good question.  

    Some cultures do not keep track of birthdays, nor do they have birth certificate documentation in the way we do in a first world country.  It really depends on the circumstances of the adoption.  Most children adopted from China were abandoned, due to the one-child policy and preference for male children.  So, it's very possible, even probable, that the birthdate information may not be available.

    In the event where an actual birthdate is not known, the age is usually estimated by a doctor.  Things like bone scans, dental condition and other physical factors make it possible for doctors to give a pretty accurate estimation of the child's age.  

    Good question!

    ETA: Should point out that it is illegal for families in China to relinquish their children, so abandonment is the unfortunate alternative.

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