
Adoption: birth parent?

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Does anyone know of a site where you can post online to find out who your birth parent maybe? Thanks




  1. As Heather said, in most countries you can just get a copy of your original birth certificate, which will have your birthparents' names (well, at least you birthmother's.)

    If you live in the US, it depend on the state in which you live as to whether you can receive it.  We're behind the times on equal treatment under the law for adopted citizens in the US.  

    Here's a URL for a place that explains the law in each state and gives you search information.  Don't forget about the registry that Heather gave you.

  2. If you are in any other country other than the USA you are probably entitled to your entire adoption files and records.

    Unfortunately, the USA holds on to discriminatory sealed records laws in 44 States  which prevent and Adult Adoptee obtaining their own birth records.  If you are luckly enough to live in one of the States with open records, contact vital statistics for your original birth certificate.  

    sometimes the states with sealed records will provide Non Identifying information

    Try these sites too

  3. I do not think that could help you, you should start your search with yours adopted parents and follow the chain , go to the place of adoption, and try to get information of your parents there

  4. In what state are you looking? Go to their dept. of vital records. Also try MySpace and these;

    and various others.

    (also,the advice "South Florida" gave is good)

    (I've been searching for my birthson for almost a year now on all of these sites with no luck so far.........)

    Good luck to you.

  5. MYSPACE!!! my best friend found her birth mom and birth dad who were looking for her for years!!!! i promise just about everyone has a myspace now a days

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